Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Nene Shida: A little bit of this and that....


 You may not think it but there's been a shortage of these kinds of posts this year. Have been mentioning in her recent posts how Nene is on track to set a record this year for posts, that mark is 26 which was set in 2020. However this is just her tenth post in this vein for the year, I consider regular posts to be one with mag spreads, modeling or event pics and just your general activities. This is Nene's 23rd post for 2022 so she could easily break the record but should she have an asterisk* with it? That's because thirteen(!) of those posts have been for photobooks so they've really skewed her post count. A 'Nao Year' ends on November 30th, if I'm smart what I'll do is have three more posts and have Nene only tie the record, that thought just popped into my tiny head but I'm now leaning on towards doing that.

 Nene is still by by far my #1 fave of the year and do the countdown in December. The gal in the below post though is making a belated run the last few months, if she could have a strong next two months it could be a battle for the top spot. What helps her is doing many different things, Nene does to an extent but wouldn't mind seeing her appear at more events or do regular modeling. So have two more photobooks in reserve and not quite sure when either will be posted. One is a Bomb-TV digital book that came out a month ago and am leaning on doing that one first.

 Those two pics above are from that book and how about that bottom one! The other is Nene's first and only regular photobook that was released on her 24th birthday which took place on July 15th. Did just mention that I may be posting the book on October 16th, not sure if that'll happen but one of those two books you'll see on that day. The other will probably be done on November 1st and here's two more pics from her first PB, did muse in the below post how every photobook has a pic of them brushing their teeth!!!!

 Not a large post but as I was blabbering about want to see Nene have more of these regular ones. First off are these recent pics from her IG page.

 Those bottom two pics are from Nene standing in front of a poster promoting yet another digital book. It's hard to keep up with her and may wait until December to post it. The book was released this week or will be by the WPB magazine, few pics from it.

 Don't think this was in her last regular post which was this set from the August 30th issue of SPA!, even if it was it deserved an encore viewing !

 Too small of a spread from the September 30th edition of Friday, it does have some outtake pics from Nene's first photobook.

 Did say this was a smallish post and the final thing for today is this set from the October 24th issue of WPB, it's her best spread in a while. It features outtake pics from the newest digital book which looks like it'll get another grade of an A++++! After the pics is a short video to promote that new book and I'm running out of adjectives to describe Nene....

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