Friday, October 21, 2022

Yui Kobayashi: Her 'Happy 23rd Birthday post' part two.... 'Keyakitte' show #227 recap


 It's a few hours before October 22nd and her 23rd birthday doesn't take place until the 23rd. That's Sunday and was planning on having part one then which may be a massive post. A real darn good one I hope too and that could have meant most would have skipped this post and didn't want to see that happen, hence am doing this a bit early. Then again could have done this a month ago but thought I'd wait for this special occasion. You may be thinking this is an odd topic for a post, doing a 'Keyakitte' show from over two years ago? But did mention why I wanted to do this post so badly and it did turn into a mission, hopefully one that makes her day....

 This was episode #227 for Keya's old 'Keyakitte' variety show, it changed the name to 'Soko' in October of 2020 but that was the only thing that changed. This episode aired on April 13, 2020 and while I did view it didn't take any screenshots nor was it recapped. So had forgotten much of what took place but had noticed a few pics from this show and was determined to find out which one it was. All I knew was that she had been sitting on a throne plus her hair was much different as you'll be seeing in the screenshots. The reason for that is Yui was appearing in a drama at the time named "Joshi Kousei no Mudazukai" and I need to work in recapping that entire series. So to make this long story not as long finally figured out which episode this was and to top it off did find the subs too. So as I do for Keya's 'Soko' show will give a brief recap of the highlights and let the screenshots tell most of the story, there are 62 of them!!!!

 The subs didn't come out quite that clearly on some of the screenshots due to the Japanese graphics but if you concentrate they're easy enough to read. It's very rare for a member to have an episode dedicated to them, this is Yui's first and only time it's happened to her. This took place on April 13, 2020 and two months before that was Keya's Valentine's Day show. For it the staff made lockers for all of the first generation members and the second generation gals would put chocolate or gifts in the locker of their favorite member. No names were on the lockers but instead the staff put stickers and such on them to give hints on who the member was, such as their fave pets, food, etc. It worked out well save for the fact no one picked Yui as their favorite member! That's how her locker looked above and there was no way any member knew who it belonged to, can't recall if she was sad about getting no presents. The staff claimed they knew so little about Yui as she is quite private so dedicated this episode to her so the staff, members and fans could get to know her better.... hmmm, maybe she was a little miffed....

 The staff gave Yui a survey with 100 questions on it, naturally not every one could be discussed in 24 minutes and this question segment lasted for about thirteen minutes. So if you're a Keya and/or Yui fan you'll learn a lot about her in this post so definitely recommend reading all of the screenshots. For instance did you know she loves to crack her knuckles and does that give the other members the creeps! Plus Yui has never been fond of her own name, if she had to choose she would have been named Ren. That's a name that can be used for a male or female, she said that's what she may name one of her own children. Plus Kobayashi is a name she's never been too fond of either, for some unknown reason she's taken such a liking to the last name of Tachibana!

 The only slowish part was when they brought out Yui's sister, she does have one who is four years older. But obviously it wasn't her real sister or else they wouldn't have given her that mask above. She made a brief appearance to tell the truth about some answers that the staff thought Yui may not have answered 100% honestly. Such as her nicknames, these days she doesn't have one but for a long time the members called her Pon which she confessed irritated her so it's no longer used. But before joining Keya she had some odd nicknames such as Yutty and Otama-chan, that second was from her mother and had something to do with tadpoles falling from the sky!

 Out of the hundred questions bet not even twenty were discussed due to the short amount of time and plenty more answers to them are at the bottom. My top part of the show was about a five minute segment of older Yui clips the staff compiled from concerts and previous 'Keyakitte' episodes. The concerts clips were the best as I didn't know Yui could be so outrageous at concerts, both to the fans and members!!!!

 Plus Yui has this very odd way about mumbling comments which she hopes others won't notice during their variety show. They hardly ever do get noticed but when the staff were going through their older shows they picked out so many things that Yui had said, some had heard Yui at the time but very few of them. Most of them were quite funny like those above concert screamings, the hosts said all of Yui's colorful remarks could make for an hilarious episode which I agree with.

 Will stop here as this may be getting longer than most drama recaps. At the end the staff did make Yui a new locker and after learning a bit about her were able to put some of her traits on it. Inside was a present which kind of baffled me and her, along with the members! As you can see Yui's gift was a toaster and not even one that could do four slices, she did like it to an extent but would have preferred a toaster oven. So if you wanted to know Yui much better hope this post helped, it was a fun episode and as mentioned make sure you read the screenshots below. Couldn't find this episode on YT but after the screenshots do have a video of her 'funniest moments' from various episodes. Plus remember will have a post on Sunday for Yui's true birthday and that should be a superb post.

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