Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Hinatazaka46: The eagerly awaited first solo post for.... Yuka Kageyama!!!!


 Hopefully this has been eagerly awaited by Hina fans though there won't be many more after this. As most know Yuka announced her graduation three months ago, she said her departure would be after the group's ninth single. But there's still been no official date set so would think her graduation concert will be taking place next month. So am making this a medium sized post and am holding back some recent activities, thought why not have another post for Yuka this month? That's a good idea and will also have another right after her graduation which will make three. Then will have her fourth post in August or September for her first and only photobook, do have it but always wait at least three months before posting a '46' member's book.

Two of those above photos are from the book and will have more at the end of the post. Yuka is the first main first generation member to graduate and don't think many will be following her this year. Her reason for leaving is because of ear problems she has and bet she would rather have stayed with Hina for a bit longer. Let's get to things and first off are some birthday pics for Yuka who hit the age of 22 on May 8th, bottom four are special birthday ones for the 'Uni's on Air' web game.

 Yuka is by far Hina's smartest gal and probably the most intelligent of all the '46' members. So I was a bit surprised she didn't pass the entrance exams to Todai and hope she still decides to go to another school as she truly is that smart. To me her #1 talent may be of being a host/emcee which she's done for many Hina shows, that would a job she could do after her departure. Photos here are from a new interview with the Model Press site where she talks about the new book and other things though doesn't say anything definite about her future: Model Press interview

 The book was released on May 9th, one day after Yuka's 22nd birthday. There was an event held that day and will have more from it in her next post.

 Not too many mag spreads to promote the book, won't know what the first week sales are until Friday. Do have one recent spread though that's from the April 4th issue of SPA! and Yuka was the cover girl, she is quite a huge fan of Soccer.

 This is the fifth solo post for a Hina member this month, know I've been saying a group post will be done soon but I prefer doing these kinds of posts and think viewers like these much better than group ones. Have some super duper promo pics of Yuka for the 'Uni's on Air' web game, four pics for each month which are for May, April, March and February in that order.

 We've hit the end of this superb post, managed to hold back some things for her next post which is another mag spread, her recent IG pics and a few other tidbits. "Shiranai koto darake" is the title of Yuka's first ever book and odds are it'll be her only one. The photo shoots took place in Nagano, Okinawa and her hometown of Tokyo, really have no clue whether this book is supposed to be a huge seller but hope so as she is as very likable young woman. Top two pics are the covers, after that are some promo pics for it and also a few from the book itself. Yuka is now a spokeswoman for the Vitamin Tansan Match drink so guess she won't be leaving showbiz, after the pics is a long video of all the CMs she's done for them the last two months which is a bit of a short movie.

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