Sunday, May 28, 2023

Miyu Murashima: Few recent happenings....


 Not the largest of posts but didn't want to go a couple of days without one. Do have over forty new Miyu pics and she's someone I don't like to hold on to her pics for too long. That's because Miyu was the most popular woman here for 2022 and by such a wide margin which did shock me. Her popularity is still way up there for this year, don't think her posts have the highest average for 2023 up until now but by the end of the year bet they just might.

 Few times recently have talked about why there's been a decrease in posts the last two months. The main reason is there's been so fewer for gravure models, especially the newer ones that have been introduced the last seven or so months. There's been just as many magazine spreads and digital books for them but seldom have they featured the women I prefer to post about. May seem like I do posts for many gravure models but that's not really the case, perhaps a dozen at the most and how many thousands are there? Miyu's posts haven't slowed down, this makes seven since the 'Nao Year' began on December 1st and that's a decent pace.

 In about two weeks it'll be the first anniversary of Miyu's debut post, can't see the stats when you're writing but think this is about her 20th to date. Wish there was a bit more variety in these recent posts but there's no denying how sweltering she looks, whew!!!! First off are some recent photos from Miyu's IG page, she doesn't post all that many and the top two are for a new magazine spread.

 Here is that spread that's from the June 6th issue of Flash. Miyu has been around for so long, first as a J-Popper and now as a model but won't be hitting the age of 25 until August.

 Another smallish Miyu spread that's from a special issue called Strike! All Star. Miyu does have a new digital book that came out five days ago and will have that next month.

 That above spread featured outtake pics from the March issue of Strike! and at nineteen pages is one of Miyu's larger spreads. Went back twice to check her 2023 posts and can't believe I never posted the spread and why not as I've had it for three months? So here it is and after the pics is Miyu's newest video from her YT Vlog, nice to see a different side of her.

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