Monday, May 1, 2023

Sae Okazaki: A little bit of this and that....


 Sae and one other huge fave of mine I could almost dub as being 'Miss Consistent'. That's because their posts usually look the same which is a positive as they would get a grade of A+ from me though wish things would change up now and again. As I've mentioned before Sae has the most attractive face of anyone I post often about but have a strong feeling she'll never end up in the top ten on the yearly faves list. A regular photobook would be a nice change and she does have one of them which I've never seen so that's something I'll have to work on obtaining.

 Thursday the Spring 'Girls Award' show will be held and Sae seems to appear at just about every one of those shows. So if she does attend the show that just may mean a second post this month for her and not sure if that's ever happened. For so many years Sae has had a Line blog but have a feeling she may have abandoned that as these new pics aren't from the blog but her IG page. Hope she hasn't quit that blog as the photos there were all terrific and she did give a lot of info about her current activities.

 Last year Sae was in four dramas and in one of then she had her first lead role. "Keiji to Kenji, Tokidoki Hanji" is her first series since September and it just began on April 13th and will be subbed, there's a few others in the cast who I like quite a bit so may check that show out. Three days before the drama began there was a mini promo event for it and am so glad we're beginning to see these events being held again.

 If there's one thing you can depend on in a Sae post is there being many modeling pics and why not as she is one ultra attractive woman! Have plenty of new photos as this is a busy time of the year for models, this first batch is for the Dazzlin' Spring collection.

 Am holding back some modeling pics so there can be a second post this month, next up are more Spring collection photos which are from the Rag Out site.

 Saved the best new modeling pics for last which is this set from the Rienda early Summer collection.

 Will end off with this magazine spread which is Sae's first regular one in a while, she was the cover girl for the April 18th issue of Flash. After the spread check out a new CM for Rag Out and did have some of their modeling pics above.

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