Thursday, May 25, 2023

Suzuka Tomita: Her eerie 'Mysterious Library' game pictures plus a few more chilling tidbits!!!!


 Bit of a 'spur of the moment' post though two days ago did say this would be done but it's much sooner than expected. Have a strong inkling this will not be a popular post but if you're a Suzuka fan this could be her top post of the year. Bit surprising this is already her fourth post of the year, she had only three solo ones coming into 2023. However I hate to say it but Suzuka just may be the least popular woman here, was just looking at how many views her first three posts got for the year and she doesn't seem to have many fans.... so why don't we say it's a case of quality over quantity! I used to do a lot of 'special posts' and have gotten away from that this year, will work harder on having more of them. They would be for what today's theme is or for 'Uni's on Air' game pics, 'Pairs Posts', etc. and doing those kinds of posts slipped my tiny mind.

 Just did a post for Suzuka two weeks ago so there aren't going to be a huge amount of new pics but know there's at least 85 for today. But in a way you could say they are new to most viewers for as mentioned Suzuka's prior posts have been anything but popular. First off are some recent photos from her IG page, four are from the 'Let's Meet At the Circuit' show where she's a co-emcee, the show is for Formula One racing and this season's show started up in May 16th.

 There hasn't been a solo Suzuka magazine spread for a while so let's go back exactly a year for this terrific set of pics from the June 2022 issue of BLT.

 Here's some good news for her small group of fans. Suzuka will be in he first musical stage play which is titled "Vincenzo" that will be opening up in Tokyo on August 11th and then will be moving on to Osaka for a few shows. She'll be playing the lead female role of Hong Cha-Young and on May 17th there was an event to promote the play, hopefully there will be another one.

 For the finale have the main reason for this post which are promo pics for Hina's 'Mysterious Library' game and to me these pics are fabulous which is why I wanted to have a post for them. These go in reverse order from May until November, most months have five pics though a few had more. The ones where Suzuka is dressed as a Queen are from January and are birthday pics as she turned 22 on January 18th. After this super duper batch is a video of the above event, there's a total of 55 pics.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Here's wishing her musical will be put online at some point! 🙂
