Monday, January 29, 2024

Akari Suda: Finally her first post of the year!


 It was almost one of those rare days when I took it off, not because it was one of those scheduled days off but because there was nothing or very little to post about. But as you can see did manage to put together something for a post and there's no one these days who I enjoy doing a post for more than her. Usually take the final day of the month off so will be doing that Wednesday, now the hard task will be what post or two can I have for tomorrow? No clue at this point but on February 1st will have one of the top photobooks from 2023 and hope it's a busier month. January did have a huge amount of posts but it was a bit deceiving as I may have set a record for drama recaps.

 Whew, is there any wonder why she was my #1 woman for 2023, whew again!!!! As the title says this is Akari's first post for the year and in 2023 she led the pack with 22, she had three in December so actually she has four already for the 'Nao Year'. But had the feeling too much of something isn't always a good thing so decided that a break from doing her posts was needed which wasn't hard to do as January was her slowest month for activities in quite a while. Akari was sadly the least most popular woman here for 2023 but her last post had a high amount of views, so high it's been her most viewed post in well over a year. Going to be hard for Akari to repeat as my Queen for 2024 but it is possible and it's okay if she doesn't as I would like to at least see her remain in the top five.

 So while this should be a large post it won't be as huge as most of Akari's recent ones, as mentioned even she slowed down on her activities in January. But know she will be at an event on February 23rd and probably the following month too. That's because Akari's 2024 calendar will be coming out at the beginning of March, it runs from April 2024 to March 2025. A few days ago these promo pics came out for it, the bottom one is from the photo shoot.

 Hopefully there will be an upcoming magazine spread for it, think she only had three of them last year. None so far for 2024 so let's go back a little over three years ago to September 2020 and this fine set for the Winter edition Compa Wedding which had Akari as their cover girl. Some of the pics are from the photo shoot and have had too many daydreams of her being my bride 😍, sigh....

 For future posts will stick to that month for having older SKE cards as it'll make it easier to keep track of them. Though I have so many hundreds or even a thousand my supply that haven't been posted is dwindling. So this smallish set here are Akari's for January and it's the month with the fewest cards for there are many for New Year's and had all those in her last post.

 Think the cards and pics in this batch are all new for here, don't recall ever posting any of these. Just in case there isn't a post around Valentine's for Akari will have these now and the non-card pics are from 2016. The bottom two may not be for the holiday but they looked too good not to have.

 As is the case for most Akari posts will end off with some super duper new photos from her IG page. But there aren't as many as usual and it was a slower month for her which she may have needed as she was so darn busy for about a seven month stretch, noting wrong with taking a mini break. Nogi and Morning Musume fans may recognize who are in the bottom two pics, the three are all huge fans and players of Mahjong. Two days ago there was a new video uploaded to YT which already has close to 300,000 views! It appears that Akari has recently finally gotten her drivers license so went car hunting but didn't buy one by the end of the video. She did have her eyes set on a very small blue car but the sporty one after that I think would suit her better. This will be an ongoing series as the video says it was part one and you can view it after the pics.     

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