Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Miku Tanaka: Yet another cold shower inducing post of this and that's....


 Still have that loose rule about introducing women younger than 22 in age but have broken that a few times for Idols. Miku was the last time I did that which was in October 2022 and that was the right decision. Miku is so popular here and in that nineteen month stretch she's now had thirty posts and not many can top that figure.... nor the one she has! The posts shouldn't be slowing down for a while though don't have any plans to recap her mini "Cinderella Complex" drama. Heard the subs are just so-so plus read the show was only fair at best so will put that on ice for a while.

 Though Miku got a late start in 2022 for posts she still finished in the tenth spot for that year's faves list. She moved up to sixth last year and can easily see her moving up one spot but could be tougher to climb higher than that. Hopefully some of my bigger faves start becoming a bit busier, last year 29 women had the six posts needed to qualify but this year may not come close to that amount. Position numbers from last year 1, 2, 5, 6, 7,8,9 and fourteen have already qualified for the list but I'm wondering what is going on for so many others, especially the gals that were in the third and fourth spots.

 This will be a good sized posts with over seventy new pics and know that Miku has a few spreads coming out so her next post shouldn't be too far in the future. She hasn't slowed down at all doing gravure things since leaving HKT and did think that was such a wise decision graduating. First up are these newish IG pics but there doesn't seem to be as many as usual and I really like those first two which are from a recent photo shoot.

 In March Miku released her first ever solo calendar which goes from April until next March, some promo pics for it and it's a shame there's not a photo for all 365 days!

 On April 20th Miku attended a fan signing event for the calendar. She rarely was at events while with HKT but she's been at three since February.

 Two months ago Miku released her first ever digital book, that was so tremendous and hope she plans on having a few more, the post for it has been one of the most popular ones so far for 2024. Have a pair of magazine spreads for today, do have two new ones but will only have one for today. Which is from the May 14th issue of Young Champion, of course Miku is the cover girl and no Idol has had that honor more than she has over the last 2-3 years.

 Will end off with this large set, there's still a pair of 2023 spreads that hadn't been posted and the other will be in that next post. Miku's spreads are usually much bigger than the ones for other women, this set from the January 2023 issue of UTB has 22 pages and think it's her second largest spread to date. There's no videos for either spread and what Miku needs to do is open her own YT channel for them, after the pics is a video from her only digital book which was for the Young Gangan magazine.

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