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Hajimemashite minna san....welcome to my site on my fave Japanese Pop Culture likes such as dramas, movies, magazine scans, promo events etc. Mainly concentrate on my faves...Risa Watanabe... Kyoko Saito... Yui Kobayashi....Miyuki Watanabe.... Nene Shida.... if you're a fan at all of any of them then you've come to the right place(!) but many others are featured here besides them. Do mainly quick reviews on things I've watched, try to make the reviews brief, quick to read through with not too many spoilers, just whether they're good or bad and why I thought so plus whether you may find them enjoyable. Many, many screenshots are included from everything I've watched plus any video trailers if they're available. Hope you find something that interests you, don't hesitate to comment, arigato gozaimasu!

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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Miyuki Watanabe: Just because I can never get enough of her.....


 It'll probably just be another one post day but there is a silver lining to that as the posts tend to be a bit larger and there are over eighty photos for this one. Of course I have quite a few woman who are favorites of mine as most have noticed but there is a non-official Elite Group of about eight who are so far ahead of everyone else. Do work at having posts for them much harder which isn't always easy and in a bit of a surprise have been able to do posts for five of them this month. Bring that up for naturally Miyuki 😍 is part of elite group and have been ga-ga over her longer than any of the other seven.

 Miyuki is a bit of an oddity as she's never once made the yearly faves list though that will be changing in 2024. The oddity is that she finished in the third position on my 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list that was done almost two years ago. And since then she's been much busier than usual so as of now would place Miyuki in the second spot. It would be extremely difficult to dethrone my all time Queen but she has an outside shot at accomplishing that feat, would do the next list in the Summer of 2026. And as far as the yearly faves list go 2024 will be the the year when Miyuki finally makes the cut and she's got an excellent chance of making the top five, The reason she was in the third position on my all time list wasn't because of what she's done year by year but all that she's done since 2012, as terrific as those photos were a decade ago the ones she's had the last five years have been second to none!

 Not a lot of sections to this post though there are quite a few pics, some new and old with the majority of the older ones being new for here. Will begin off with some recent IG pics and this is it for the last month(!), she's never posted all that many of them.

 Those bottom two above were from a Bijin Hyakka magazine photo shoot. No new new pics for them but there should be soon at their site and those will hopefully be in a June post which would make seven consecutive months with one which has never happened before. About five weeks ago the Maruko lingerie site signed up Miyuki to be a model for them. This batch of sizzling pics came out then but since then there's been zero and really hoping more will be appearing.

 In the posts for ex-Idols usually have some older group cards that hadn't been posted and lately have been sticking with cards for the current month. Of course that means this batch is for May and as mentioned often isn't time flying right by???? This August will mark the eighth anniversary of Miyuki's graduation from NMB and have to say their singles from 2011-16 were usually superb. Maybe not at the level of C-ute or SKE but I enjoyed all of them back then, don't follow the group as closely these days and how I miss that period from 2010-2017 for J-Pop.

 Oh well, wasn't going to do it but how about some more older NMB cards which I think most will enjoy more than the above set. Have posted these before but how can anyone get tired of looking at Miyuki and there is a reason she's my hottest/sexiest/alluring woman of all time and have been saying that for at least six years.

 About two months back had an older mag spread that had never been posted here before. it was from the January 2013 issue of Monthly Young Magazine and what I had posted were eight pics from it. However that was only half the spread as I have obtained the entire set which has seventeen photos plus the quality is much higher. This was one of Miyuki's top spreads while with NMB and it also featured some pics from her first photobook that came out two months before.

 Final set and it's a large one with 25 brand new pics. Over the last four years Miyuki has done so much modeling work with magazines and sites though outside of Bijin Hyakka never sticks with one for too long which may be very common for models. She's now a model for the Cohina site and will end off with 25 truly sparkling new pics for their Summer collection. There are more which will be in her next post and nothing wrong with non-gravure pics as Miyuki always looks so perfect to my eyes. No video from the photo shoot but do have one after the pics that she uploaded to her YT Vlog on April 19th which was of her visiting a beauty salon.... how much more perfect is she trying to be?!!!!

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