Saturday, May 25, 2024

Nao Kanzaki: Sorry for the lack of posts recently but....


 .... for a change it isn't my fault! Have written up five posts but there has been a problem with Blogger the last two days as you can't do anything to the text/words. Can't make anything in bold nor change the font color and also think there's a problem with linking. This is an issue all other bloggers are facing so will write up another post or two and put them aside until the issues are fixed which we all hope won't be too much longer. Oh well, there are plenty of older posts for all to view and it does give me time to continue my investigation in the.... "Where did Yui disappear to?" mystery and that case I've been stumped on and will admit have missed her more than any other woman I post about.... 😍😍😍😍

 EDIT: Here we are exactly a day later and the problems still persist, they began when Chrome did their latest update. But have managed to write up a drama recap and a regular post in the past day so once things are solved(if ever) there should be plenty of posts..... Just noticed that the Bold now works, it didn't earlier so now just the coloring and linking need to be fixed.

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