Friday, August 2, 2024

Miyuki Watanabe: Another.... just because I really, really, really wanted to do a post for her!


 It's nice to begin off with some never seen photos here of perfection though it's not possible too often. This is Miyuki's first post in seven weeks but I'm not complaining at all as this makes ten of them for the year which is by far a record for her. It seems she usually has five a year and hard to say why Miyuki has had so many to date as it's actually been a slowish year for her. But have worked harder at digging up things from many years ago that had never been posted here before and will have a few more of those for today but think I'm running out of them.

 There's a few more photos not often seen here, hard to believe those are over a decade old! As blazing as Miyuki looked back she's somehow hit a zenith for how all women should look! For over seven years have gushed about how Miyuki 😍 is my all time most attractive/hottest/alluring/sexiest woman of all time, as a matter of fact her lead over everyone these days is larger than ever! Her next post may not be until September 19th and could have two around that date. It's when Miyuki will be celebrating her 31st birthday and she looks better than ever! So while there are some newish pics from the past month today it's not a huge amount but have noticed over the years how she tends to be much busier after September 1st so hoping for many brand new pics for the next post.

 Will begin off with some recent IG pics but there have been so few of them, the bottom two are from today's 'Kansai Collection' show with two ex-NMB mates. Those top photos are certainly out of this world which were from the end of June and some sort of mini Bijin Hyakka store event.

 Miyuki always attends those 'Kansai Collection' shows and was at the one today which took place as usual at the Kyocera Dome in her hometown of Osaka. She looked good but wasn't as broiling as shows in the past and there weren't all that many pics from the show. Speaking of NMB it appears Miyuki may have given up on her music career as she hasn't had a concert in almost 26 months nor any singles/albums for over three years. Which is a shame as she was semi-popular or at least compared to most ex-Idols.

 Never did have many old NMB cards in Miyuki posts until this year and that's a good thing as it means most have been new for here. Noticed 2014 was the year with the most Summer cards so have a whole bunch for August and July, it was also the time when she was appearing off and on with SKE.

 Miyuki has been a model for so many magazines and clothing sites over the last four years but never seems to stick with any for too long. For instance she had some new lingerie pics back in March and April which made my heart beat out of control but none since then, least lingerie ones. However she has been a PT model for the Bijin Hyakka magazine since late 2020. There aren't too many issues she appears in but has been having many more photos at their site such as this batch that out in July, all the pics are terrific but how about those first three of Miyuki!!!!

 In these 2024 posts have been including many mag spreads from 2012-15 that had never been posted here before. Was shocked to discover there had been a dozen of them but have just about used all of them up and would like to save the last two for her birthday post(s). So let's have an encore viewing of this spread from the February 23, 2016 issue of Young Magazine, Miyuki was the cover girl and to me it was her second best spread while with NMB. Her top one had been with Bubka, there is a tremendous video of the photo shoot which I have viewed at least a hundred times as it's so sweltering. Had put it on a DVD which was a good thing as I think it's no longer on YT but let me hunt for it and cross your fingers for me being successful....

 Though Miyuki has had ten posts so far for 2024 she hasn't done enough newish things to take the top spot on the yearly faves list. However she has inched her way up on my all time list and as of now would consider her to be my #2 woman of all time but number one has far as alluring goes, when I have fantasies of being stuck on a desert island you know who the woman in the dream is!!!! Began off with some never or rarely seen photos of Miyuki so will end off with a batch of those kinds of pics. Did have some luck as the video for the above spread was found though this version has no sound but who needs it(!), there should be a Universe law against someone can look so perfect 😍 .... but then again why?! EDIT: Wanted to have that video after these pics but for some reason cannot Embed any, not just this one but all. That never happened until today and is it just me? Hope not as that would make me feel better(!) but do have the link here to it: Young Magazine video

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