Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Nao Kanzaki: A quickie preliminary post for this year's faves list #1... Plus so much more!!!!



It's about a day later and just learned that Yui will be at the September 7th 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show which will be her first appearance at one of those in exactly a year. There will also be a few current Keya members there but as of now no one from Hina is scheduled to attend nor Risa and that is odd as she's been at all of their shows save for one over the last eight years.

 Shouldn't be too long of a post but then again it could be, have nothing scripted out and most everything will be from the top of my head. These kinds of posts help immensely with lists as writing something down helps me much more than having those thoughts swirl around in my head. Plus these posts jog my memory as on occasion do forget about some women and as most know am in dire need of some long time faves to post about. One just may be Yui 😍 who pulled a Houdini act after her February 1st graduation concert and not a beep was heard from her for almost seven months! That is until yesterday when she announced that on August 30th is when her fan club would be opening up and will have a streaming session for those that sign up in the next two days. Yui's return is the best news of the year and was planning on doing a post for her next month so am truly hoping that there will be news of some future activities. In that upcoming post will discuss it more but over these seven months have come to realize Yui is probably my all time #1 woman 😍 but hadn't wanted to admit that. That would mean my top two women of all time are both from Keya and who would have thought that years ago?

 Though on a negative note it's the fault of Yui plus a few other long time favorites of mine who have semi disappeared in why there have been so many fewer posts. She has five to date and even if I do two more posts for her this year that's ten less than 2023. But worse has been some gals from Hina who are led by Kyoko, she may have nine less posts this year and am thinking Shiho will have seven fewer. Toss in Miku with eight less posts and Suzuka with five less so you don't need to be a whiz at Math to figure out that quintet may have forty less posts in 2024(!), add in two popular gravure models who have been kind of blacklisted and that means 55 fewer posts than 2023!!!! Not much I can do about things as I can't magically create photos of them in magazines, at events or whatever so let's hope that rock bottom has been hit and the Autumn will be much busier and think it will be.

 Gulp, do say I also miss doing posts for Kyoko is an understatement but think she has some activities coming up and hope so as she's done so little in 2024. Will do one more of these posts which would be in about two months, try to keep viewers updated on these projects as Fave's Lists have always been popular here. This would make it ten years of doing the fave's list and usually there are 16-20 who make the list but think this year it may drop to ten which was also the number in the first list done in 2015. Six posts are needed to qualify for the yearly faves list and there's never been less than 26 who are eligible. But as of now only a dozen have qualified but there's another eight that only need another post or two so should know how things stand much better two months from now.

 There's been a drop in posts for Nene too this year but she has qualified already for the list and once again should be in the top ten. **** It's not all gloomy here as some woman have had terrific years up until now led by Miku. In her last post did say I didn't think she was someone who could be my #1 of a year but upon further reflection why not as I've liked her immensely for some years now, only one other fave has more posts than her in the past two years and may have to say she's number one at this point.

 Also having a super duper first half of 2024 was Konoka and can only think of 3-4 women that would top her for being my girlfriend! But what I was dreading happened for after her first photobook was released in May her activities slowed way down and haven't had a regular post for her in two months. But Konoka would still finish way up there on the list and if you can wait about five days will do a post for her photobook which is my top one of the year!!!!

 Few others have had decent years but the amount of them is so much lower than previous years and guess that's to be expected. I did bring up in a recent post how there have been many sites that have closed down the last few years, ones that I would visit often. Some were for movie reviews, two had been subbing dramas and Keya's variety show so those are missed along with a few sites that had J-Pop news and with so many Japanese entertainment blogs shutting down I'm part of a dying breed. But I hate being negative and quitting things so will keep this site going for as long as possible but not with nearly as many posts.

 Final section talking about the list and other things though do have some news after this. By far the biggest reason for the slowdown on posts is AGE and IDOL GRADUATIONS. By age mean that when actresses models, etc. get to be thirty or older there's such a slowdown with them appearing in magazines, at events, having photobooks and other activities. Which is a shame as I prefer slightly older woman and bet many others here do also as I'm sure the average age of those that visit has been rising over the years. Graduations are also key as very few J-Pop Idols remain as busy after they leave their groups and so many have retired for the entertainment industry is over saturated with ex-Idols. Bucking the trend had been Akari who is above and below, she's be hitting the age of 33 at the end of October but the last two years had been her busiest ever. Last year she was my #1 woman by a wide margin and up until May of this year it appeared she would repeat as my Queen. However there's been no posts for Akari in three months so holding on that prestigious title could be difficult for 2024 though there are four months to go in the year and think I may be able to do a post for her in two weeks.

 Posts for most women have always drawn a high amount of views but one genre that's been seeing an increase has been for dramas and films. With the slowdown on activities from my faves have had a chance to view many older things and have a massive amount of recaps/reviews coming up. The views for dramas and films have risen so there must be some fans of those here and would love to see more comments from those readers. I much prefer older things, say before 1990 and here's some of upcoming films and shows you'll be seeing soon, may even throw in one or two Korean dramas.

 First off will be a film I just finished a few minutes ago, took a break after writing the above up. It's from 1949 and is titled "Rainbow Man", was surprised how good it was. The film was part horror, mystery and suspense, the stories in these older films were always much better than the ones these days or at least prior to 2000. So will have the review for that coming up in a few days and it may take a while to write up as I can't believe how much took place in an eighty minute movie. Have a few screenshots below from it and while filmed in black and white on occasion we did see a color rainbow as you can see below which was very odd.

 I do enjoy the spirits and actually enjoy them too much! So ceased my intake of them two months back which has given me much more free time late at night which is how I'm able to view more things these days. Think after the above film the next one in line will be from 1960 and is titled "The Human Vapor" which I haven't viewed yet but it looks to be another winner. For a while got this movie mixed up with "The H-Man" but that came out two years before. So while I have time to view more things it is a struggle to find the time to write everything up and do have to pass on some things I watch.

 Old movies that are subbed tend to be easy enough to find, as many as I've viewed there's still many more thousands to find time for! What's much more difficult is finding dramas prior to 1980, even when I do odds are high they're not subbed. But have found a few and the last two are very old such as "Ultra Q" and the final two recaps for that series are the next posts. What's easier to find are Sentai shows and do have a pair coming up but will wait until at least four movies are reviewed. Not sure what will be up first but don't think I can go wrong with either, one will be "Zone Fighter" from 1973 which has 26 episodes, any series that had Godzilla as a guest star is okay in my book!

 Final segment, kind of enjoy talking about a variety of things. Which I do often in the posts for dramas as there's also a lot of trivia and odd facts along with many photos of some alluring women guest stars and have said often how I think Japanese women from the 1960's looked so darn terrific! The other series coming up will be "Dengeki Strada 5" which was a bit of an unknown show and those are the kinds of series I've been searching for. This Sentai show aired in 1974 and had thirteen episodes, cars back then looked much cooler than they do these days as the last pic is of one of the autos the heroes used. After that is a video that shows some action from the series along with the theme songs, Sentai series always have had such upbeat, catchy tunes which have continued on until now.

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