Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Miyuki Watanabe: Her slightly belated.... 'Happy 31st(!) Birthday post.....


 Off the main topic for a few seconds and checked to see if there were any major holidays in Japan during this time and there aren't. Bring that up for many magazines doubled up on their issues last week meaning they combined last week's and this week's into one issue. Found that odd and it does happen two other times in a year but both occasions are during major holidays so no clue why that happened. Am just a tad late with this post as birthday #31 took place six days ago, was waiting for some possible new things which never did happen.

 Have said that the period from September to early December is usually Miyuki's busiest time of the year but so far she hasn't proven me correct with that. But if you look back at her previous five years during that stretch of time she's released two photobooks, has had three fan club events for her birthday, had two solo concerts along with a few other things. There's still plenty of time for Miyuki to get into the swing of things and there's no way I can complain abut how many posts she's had for the year as there's been ten of them which is a personal record for her.

 So a busy next two months may assure of her making her first ever appearance in the top five for the yearly faves list. But Miyuki is someone I've never cared about when it comes to the yearly list and as a matter of fact she's never made it. Which is oki doki to me as more importantly she finished in the third position on my 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list which was done exactly two years ago. She has inched closer since then to the top spot and in a way she just may be my number one woman of all time. Though many have more posts than Miyuki have been doing posts for her since 2014 and no other woman who I post often about can boast about that. Nor the fact that during that stretch have always said Miyuki is by far my #1 on any kind of list for my most alluring/sexiest/desirable woman of all time 😍 and no one will ever dethrone her!!!!!!!

 So while there hasn't been too many recent activities this should still be a decent sized post and do have close to forty photos that are brand new for here. The only newish pics are the ones below from Miyuki's IG page with the bottom ones being from September 19th which was the date of her birthday. She did mention doing a recent photo shoot for Bijin Hyakka so that's some good news. The top pic is not new but is an oldie from 2019!  Had never seen it until today and it's so terrific had to include it for her medium sized fan base.... medium sized but her fans here are diehards!

 A decade ago, when I first fell head over heals for Miyuki, she looked too darn fabulous to believe but in my eyes she somehow looks even more perfect than ever these days! So many women I posted about around 2015 are now 32-36 in age and from that period she's the only one I still do posts for or at least on a consistent basis. Those bottom four above are from this year's birthday the batch below are from years past. Some of these have been posted before but at least five are new for here with the last two being quite ancient....

 For ex-Idols often have their old group cards for a month and it being September have some of those below. Not a huge amount compared to others and when you think about Miyuki wasn't with NMB all that long, less than six years and she's now been gone for over eight years.... August 2016!

 Do have some Halloween cards too so perhaps right around then is when her next post can be done, will also try to hunt down other pics for the quasi eerie day. Would be nice to find some cosplaying photos too of Miyuki and though I've never heard her mention that word bet that would be an activity she would love doing, no comment about her slapping the cuffs on me....

 Above did say that Miyuki had been at a Bijin Hyakka photo shoot, there are a pair of new pics at their site so am hoping for many more for that next post. Her modeling pics are sporadic for the magazine, there may be a dozen for one month then zero for ten weeks. What I really hope to see are some new lingerie photos and there was a fair amount of them in the Spring but none since then. 

 In most of these 2024 posts have had older Miyuki magazine spreads that had never bene seen here before Think I may have begun to repeat those by accident and did clean out her picture folder today so know the two for today truly are brand new for here. Such as this first ne that's from the December 2012 issue of Entame so it's getting close to a dozen years old!!!! Sure all recognize her old NMB mate and she's sadly one of those old time medium sized faves who will never have another post here but will try to have a few spreads of the duo together in future posts.

 The other spread for today is from the April 10, 2013 issue of Young Animal so only about four months after the above spread. Wish I could have more newer ones but that's impossible though it's nice to have comparisons of how she looked then compared to these days plus want to have this the top site n the internet for Miyuki pics(!) and bet I succeeded in doing that many posts ago!!!!

 Could have a few more older things but will stop here and save them for that next post which will be around Halloween. Do repeat myself on occasion with these older photos but have to realize that many viewers reading this and other posts have never seen those pics and hopefully by having them again she's gained a few fans. Will end off with some sparkling pics of Miyuki 😍 and are there any other kind? Not to me there aren't and it's almost impossible to put into words how much I've adored her over the last decade and more so as the years go on! For a while was a bit surprised she hadn't settled down but on her 30th birthday Miyuki said she had no such plans to do so and now I need to check out what the airfare to Osaka is?! Not many videos have come out this year but do have her latest one from her YT Chapuchaplan channel that was uploaded on August 17th. Don't know who her mate is but she's been in previous videos, for this one the pair traveled to Izu for a holiday of golfing, ping-pong and eating. Of course it's not subbed in English but these kinds of videos are easy to follow, the whole thing was entertaining but wish the sauna segment was a bit longer!

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