Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Miori Takimoto: Ikemen desu ne drama episode 7 screenshots and recap

Main Cast: 

Miori Takimoto as Mio/Miko Sakuraba, in real life is Miko but takes the place of her twin Mio
Yuta Tamamori as Ren Katsuragi, vocalist, songwriter and leader of A.N.Jell
Taisuke Fijugaya as Shu Fujishiro, guitarist of A.N.Jell
Hikaru Yaotome as Yuki Hogo, drummer of A.N.Jell
Haruna Kojima as Nana, pop idol who wants to be Ren's girlfriend
Shingo Yanagisawa as Hajima Mabuchi, oversees the bands activities
Hisako Manda as Reiko Mizusawa, Ren's mother
Masanobu Takashima as Hiroshi Ando, manager of A.N.Jell
Nana Katase as Rina, does the wardrobes for A.N.Jell and Nana
Miyuki Imori as Shigeko Sakuraba, Mio's aunt

If you didn't read the recap for the previous episode might be a good idea to do that as so much happened at the end and I'm not going to describe all of what happened here. So Shu saves Mio from her solo debut where she decided to reveal her true identity and as appear as a female but before anyone in the audience could figure who the person was as it was dark, Shu draped his coat over her and whisked her to safety. Shu, Ren and Mabuchi knew Mio was actually a female but this was the first Yuki and the band's manager had heard of it. Now the question is what is to become of the band as their fans wouldn't want a female member but that got quickly resolved as Mio decided to remain impersonating her twin brother as it's only a few weeks until his return to the band.
 Shu has sort of had his heartbroken again by Mio, he did save her at her debut but she still can only think of him as a good friend and band member, nothing more than that. One problem with him saving Mio was that everyone thinks he now has a girlfriend and one who is supposed to be Mio's twin sister, another problem yes but one that didn't get drawn out and got resolved fairly quickly.

 Shu has explained to the media that he will be meeting Mio's sister though he doesn't tell her that. What he says to her is that he will be meeting the woman he is madly in love with and would she be there when he does. She says yes because though she's not on love with Shu she'll still do anything to help him Wasn't a mean trick by Shu but when Mio showed up to meet the female there was no one there, just her of course as the woman Shu is head over heels for is Mio. This was the first time he expressed all his feelings towards her, as much as she appreciated what he tried to do she just still couldn't accept him as anything but a close friend.
 Ren got word of what was happening and rushed to the scene but just a tad too late he thought. He was wrong as he came shortly after Mio had rejected Shu again but Ren had just seen the two of them together and took that the wrong way. One thing Shu and Ren do is not give up, both of them want to be with Mio so bad and it's starting to create a rift between the two of them. Not enough yet to break up the band but if things continue like they are that happening could be a real possibility.

 The recaps are probably getting a bit shorter, my minds getting quite frazzled as I've just done 7 of these in a row and still have four more to go. Mio's secret is no longer one except to the public who still think she's a guy and that will remain so until close to the end of the drama. Also we just have 4 episodes to go to figure out who Mio will be ending up with as both Ren and Shu want to be with her so badly yet neither of them are going to give up.

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