Monday, December 15, 2014

Tsubasa Honda: PON! and Gurunai show screenshots

 Wanted to do another post for the "Ao Haru Ride" film premiere but here was no video for it which is kind of shocking as it was a major film and there's a couple of entertainment channels which have videos for premieres but sadly there wasn't one. Don't know either how the film did it's first weekend out either, kind of early for the weekend stats to come out but seeing as how I've been doing so many Tsubasa posts lately will probably be back with that news probably in a day or so with hopefully more new pics. Have two TV appearances here, not sure if I'll do any more of them as there's a few more to post from last week plus she mentioned on her blog she's still doing the rounds on programs this week for the movie, don't want to do too many of them and bore everyone. The two shows here both aired last Thursday, think the PON! show is filmed that day but fairly certain Tsubasa's appearance on the Gurunai show was recorded in advance.

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