Monday, January 26, 2015

Nogizaka46: The Mai Shiraishi 2015 post #1

 Quite a few solo Mai things lately, though she does do many more mag spreads by herself she hasn't done many things outside the group. Last of many posts tonight and the brain is getting a bit more mushy then usual so will hopefully there aren't too many details left out here. First off are some pics from a new interview that Mai did for that came out on Saturday, copy that address to go to the site if you want to read the interview.

 Mai's second(?) photobook came out on the 23rd, not really sure if it's a regular size book or not. The PB is called "Mai Style" and it was put out by the Ray magazine, at first I thought it was going to be a mini book in their March issue but it turned out that it's a separate book. First set of pics is from a signing event for it on the 23rd and it's followed by some promo pics for it, looks mighty good. And as usual there's no video for a Nogi promo event, their agency needs to change that policy.

 Lastly Mai from the March issue of Ray, mentioned above they're the ones who put out her new PB and some of these pics are also in the book.

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