Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Yuki Kashiwagi: 2015 magazine scans #2

 Yuki is the co-center of AKB's 39th single which comes out tomorrow and the song is called "Green Flash" Their last few singles haven't really been all that good or at least compared to the songs prior to 2012, perhaps with Yuki as a center I'll check it put.
 Just have two mag spreads but there's around 30 pics though and truly all of them are simply fabulous, really need to do more Yuki posts here but there never seems to be as much to post about her which is a shame as she's really one A+ looking woman. First spread is from the new issue of WPB which is #11.

 As terrific as the above pics are this set here could actually top them, Yuki from the March 9th issue of Young Magazine.

 These are bonus pics from the Young Magazine spread and there's actually more pics than in the spread itself, enjoy as all these pics here are simply dazzling.

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