Friday, October 16, 2015

Miori Takimoto: Happy 24th birthday....

 From 2010 to 2013 I honestly cannot think of many people who were busier than Miori as an actress, now this last year and half she's kind of disappeared. She did one mini drama that lasted a week at the beginning of September but since May 2014 she hasn't been in a regular drama, plus over the last year there's been no cinema or TV movies, wonder what happened as she really became quite popular.
 True Miori's now fronting her rock band 'Lagoon' but she hasn't been overly busy with them, as a matter of fact even though they've been together for a little over a year they're going to release just their third single on November 18th which is called "Rhapsody in White", there's two other songs on the single. Here's the promo poster for it plus a few other Lagoon pics from the last month.

 Sony no longer puts out Miori desktop calendars, September was the last month for them as they now have some other female who I had never heard of for their monthly female. She still co-hosts the "Another Sky" show every Friday night, some recent pics from their FB page.

 Not too many recent pics from her blog but here's a few from the last month or so.

 Sadly just one new mag spread which is from the November issue of ar.

 Really, really hoping we see much more of Miori soon, she's been in my top five for some years now but when you disappear for such a long stretch it becomes easy to forget about someone and this is someone who I never would want to forget about. Let's end off with some truly extraordinary pics of Miori as it's easy to see why she's been in my top five for so long.... wow!!!!

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