Saturday, March 19, 2016

Mina Oba: Magazine scans #8- Young Gangan number seven for 2016

 Age has crept up on Mina as she'll be turning 24 on April 3rd, think the best b-day gift her management could give us and her would be her first photobook, still perplexed at why she's never had one. Odds are highly unlikely they'll be a PB so will try to think of something ultra special for her b-day
 As you can see this is only her 8th mag post in the last 1 1/2 years, usually there's two or three spreads per post. However today there's just one but at 26 pics(!) it's about the equivalent of three of them. Think one reason there hasn't been more Mina mag spread posts is that she only appears in teo of them on a regular basis, Young Animal is one along with today's mag Young Gangan which is issue #7 for this year. Neither is a weekly mag but bet she appears in at least half of the issues, at that ratio really wish they were weeklies.

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