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Monday, May 2, 2016

Mayu Matsuoka: "Sono 'Okodawari, Ore ni mo Kure Yo!!" drama episode two recap and screenshots

 If I can remember will try to do a birthday post this Wednesday for Sairi, like finding out about new people but have no clue if there will be a lot about her though she's appeared in many dramas.
 Her and Mayu's obsessive person this time around is Akita Inui who has been nominated for the Akutagawa Award for writing five times. Just checked and couldn't find anyone with that name, either it's a fictitious or that's not his real name. Akita's obsession is 'going home' from his local train station or at least the strange way he does it.
 Akita doesn't drive but prefers to enjoy the sights during his walk home, that's not too much of an obsession. However there is a pig(!) on his route home which he has named Kiyoe, Mayu and Sairi are perplexed at why he gave the pig that name. Shortly after that Akita tried to prove he can walk home blindfolded which was a total failure as he ended up getting hit by a car.

 Okay, it was definitely scripted but have to admit that's been the funniest scene in the two shows I've viewed. Akita is lying at a hospital in a coma but Mayu and Sairi learn the secret of the name Kiyoe. That was the name of Akita's ex-girlfriend, they had lived together but broke up when he went to a concert instead of being with her. The pair discovered where Kiyoe lived and paid her a visit to let her know about Akita's accident.
 Kiyoe though wants nothing to do with Akita these days as she still hasn't forgiven him for going to a concert over her. Sairi gets quite upset at her attitude and really tells her off with a few cuss words thrown in for good measure. To make a short story even shorter Kiyoe shows up at the hospital and shortly after that Akita wakes up from his coma. Right after that he asks her to marry her and she accepts immediately as Mayu and Sairi burst into tears of joy.

 Actually not too much about obsessions this episode or at least after about the seven minute mark, was more of a drama the last 2/3 of the show. These shows are a bit short at 23 minutes which is a good length as there's no way it could maintain your interest for 45 minutes. Through two episodes it's been an okay watch, not as wacky as I thought it would be but definitely strange.
 Not going to give a watch/don't watch recommendation yet, will wait for a few more episodes as it's the kind of show which could get much better as it goes on or at least I hope so. Hopefully will be back next week with two more recaps, third show has been subbed but not the fourth one yet which is how many episodes have aired so far.

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