Friday, August 12, 2016

Mirei Kiritani: Few more new mag scans....

 Of course Mirei's new pics are second to (almost) none but sort of miss older pics like those, bit hard typing as my fingers are still crossed hoping for at least one more new photobook. Hopefully will get to another recap or two this weekend for her "Atelier" drama from last Autumn, not a must watch but think it's going to end up being an okay watch.
 As far as Mirei's current "Sukina" drama goes will be taking a pass on it. Did watch the first episode but it's just not my kind of drama, those love/comedy ones usually aren't. In the past used to watch any drama if a fave of mine was in it and far too often ended up being a bit disappointed. Not that my faves did a bad acting job but the dramas themselves were just not too good, mostly because of a simple word: boring. These days am watching series if they look like they may be a solid watch regardless of who the cast is.
 Not too many Mirei spreads for today, she doesn't appear in as many as she once did. As far as appearances go her being at promo events is another thing which she's slowed way down on, used to be at one or two of them a month. This year can only recall Mirei being at two of them which is a shame as she usually looked quite good at a live event. These three new spreads may catch us up for the year, first one is from the August issue of Non-no.

 Smaller set here which is from the September edition of AneCan.

 Final spread is naturally a fine set of pics from the September issue of ar. After those pics you can view a new Mirei CM for Y!mobile.


  1. She definitely needs to do more bikini photoshoots.

  2. Sorry to hear about your upcoming leave of absence, still visit your blog every day. Will try to keep you updated on some Korean news, don't know if you've heard but Yeon-Hee has a drama starting in January and a lot of it will be filmed in France.

    For such a thin gal Mirei really has an impressive upper part, copy this to a browser for even more fabulous pics of her: 桐谷美玲 ビキニ .... that's Japanese for 'Mirei Kiritani in a bikini'.
