Sunday, June 11, 2017

Nogizaka46: 2017 Magazine scans #39 and new Meiji CM

 Very slow period for new Nogi happenings, just the second post for them in the last week which doesn't happen too often. Guess the members do need a breather now and again, perhaps they're working on some things such as their 18th single which would probably come out at the end of July. Above are two new pics from the Stripe Club site  they're releasing older uniforms the gals wore for their singles. Those are from the "Oide Shampoo" single and the trio is Hinako, Ranze and Miona.
 Been keeping track of the member's photobook sales, for so long five or so were huge sellers. They've slowed down quite a bit the last few weeks and it's to be expected as the books have been out for a while. Still haven't heard any recent news about Hinako's PB which was scheduled to come out this month, these are the current Oricon sales figures as of Thursday.

Mai 'Passport'- 204,107
Asuka 'Shiosai'- 113,045
Misa 'Hanashi wo Kikoka'- 68.970
Nanase 'Kaze wo Kigaete'- 129,215

 Mai had the third best selling PB last week but with sales of just 1,697 as there's probably not too many people left who don't own it. Misa's sales are impressive as her first Nogi book has just been out for five weeks.
 On to some mag spreads, not a lot of them though they are biggish sets. First off are many group pics from the latest issue of UTB+ which is volume 38. Their names are on the pics which appear to be greatest hits ones from the regular UTB issues.

 Didn't have the sales numbers for Manatsu's photobook as it's been out of the top ten the last two weeks though it's sold over 50,000 copies. She's joined in this set from volume 121 of Marquee by Miria, she's certainly been everywhere it seems lately and really think she's getting a push to appear as a Senbatsu on the group's next single.

 Third generation members are also ones who have been appearing in so many mags recently. From that same Marquee edition is the trio of Shiori, Mizuki and Yuuki.

 This is a pair I've never seen do a spread together before and let's hope it's the first of many as both are in my top five of fave members. From the July issue of ar we have Kazumi and Miona who are both looking A++++!

 Last Nogi post for new activities was Tuesday which was for new CM's three members are doing for Meiji. There's three solo member CM's along with two group ones. Posted the one for Kazumi on that day and here's the new Meiji CM for Nanase.

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