Monday, August 21, 2017

Minami Sengoku and Up Up Girls: Many recent happenings....

 This is the first official Up Up Girls group post though there's been many other solo posts. Actually all except for one has been for Minami and have a few new things for her at the bottom. Planning on this being the first of many Up Up Girls posts as there are many events about to happen with them, once again more on that as the post goes on.
 You could almost call these posts a 'singles series' as I've been having one of the group's singles in the solo posts. "Beautiful Dreamer" was the group's nineteenth single and 12th for a major label. The song hit #7 on the Oricon charts it's first week out and it's their second highest charting single. Bit of a slower song from them but it's one of my faves as it's really one superb tune.
 Up above is the PV which is subbed in English. Though not an official Hello Project group UUG are in a way as they appear on their shows and at concerts. Like H!P groups they also have a mini concert when a single is released and this one was no different. The single was released on November 4, 2014 and on that day the group performed ten songs at Tower Records in Shibuya.

 Couple of releases for UUG coming up, UUG are the group's initials. One is a documentary book that the Top Yell magazine is putting out, have the cover for it below. There may have been an event for it today but not sure as the second pic seems to be from one. If there was one will have it in the group's next post and may make these a weekly occurrence for a while.
 Also on August 25th which is Friday UUG will be releasing their fourth album. Title of it is "4th Album" and that's how they title their albums. Mainly it consists of previous singles though there are a few new tunes. There's a second disc with seven songs as all of the members each have a solo tune. Have the group's last two albums, not every tune is a classic but all are very enjoyable and recommend them highly.

 The group naturally has a blog plus Instagram and Twitter accounts. They really do a good job at updating them and Minami does the best job at doing blog entries, these are a few recent pics.

 The group does appear in mags though not nearly as many as the more popular J-Pop groups. These are also blog pics and they're from an upcoming mag appearance, can't recall exactly which one it was but think it's for Young Gangan.

 Speaking of Young Gangan here's a group appearance from issue #33 from 2016.

 Fourth pic above has all of the member's names, if you notice they're now all in their twenties. Besides Minami graduating on September 15 that's also the date Ayano will be departing too. Unsure who to have a solo post for next but looking at that fourth pic Saki appears to be an excellent candidate, Konatsu is also in the running. Have one more 2016 spread which is from issue #13 of Big Comic Spirits.

 One more recent UUG happening and that took place on August 19th. On that date the group appeared at the 'Meet the Idol' event which took place at AKIBA Cultures Theater in Akihabara. UUG now has a sister group and they did a short performance. Won't be posting about them but they just released their first single, think it placed around #40 on the charts.
 Wish I had known about this event as it was free for fans who traveled from overseas, 3500 yen for Japanese residents. Besides the performances there was also a meet and greet session, all drinks were 500 yen which meant I may have staggered out of there and here are some UUG pics from the event.

 On to some Minami tidbits though there aren't that many as there was a post for her just eight days ago, just enjoy posting about her so much. Mentioned that she's the best UUG member at updating her blog and some pics from the last week.

 Had a few of these pics in her last post but there are a few new ones added in for today. Right now it's a tough call on who will be my #1 at the end of the year, there is one who some think have the inside track but to me it's Minami who has the lead and would love for her to hold on to that spot.
 Many things can happen as last year at this time had Yuu in the number one position but by the end of the year she had tumbled to fifth which is still an ultra impressive showing. The duo are the best of friends and do promise to eventually to do a 'pairs post' for them. These are pics from the photo shoot for the upcoming issue of Bomb, can you think of a pair who looks better than these two????

 Have no clue what Minami will be doing after her graduation which will take place on September 15th. But I'm wondering is that really the official date as she's going with the group in October to perform at an Idol festival in Taiwan plus she may be at another festival on September 24th.
 Will keep her four fans updated with any news but the best news of them all is her first photobook will be released on her graduation day. Every pic could be of her dressed in a parka and it'll still be the best PB of the year. Here's a few promo pics for the book and the second one is supposed to be the cover. That cover and fourth pic are so utterly perfect they should be outlawed, after them check out a short video of Minami promoting the PB.

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