Saturday, December 23, 2017

Han Seung-Yeon: "Last Minute Romance" drama episodes six through ten recap

 Air Dates: October 23rd to November 3, 2017 on JTBC and Naver at 7:00 pm, 10 minute shows

Main Cast:

Han Seung-Yeon as Baek-Se... 27 year old woman who is terminally ill with cancer
Lee Seo-Won as Dong-Joon and Seol-Won.... actor who portrays Seol-Woo for Baek-Se
Kian 84 as Geum-Son.... Dong-Joon's roommate and Webtoon artist
Kim So-Yi as Yong-Joo.... female monk who grew up in the same orphanage as Baek-Se

 No need to rehash any of the previous events as the first recap is right above and it's recommended to read before this one. After a sluggish start between the two things are moving in the right direction as Dong-Joon has worked on his impersonation of Seol-Woo and has really improved. Baek-Se also is in such happier spirits but not for long though as her time on Earth is dwindling fast but her death turns out to be not to be a sad event but in a way uplifting.

 The action started off in an abandoned warehouse as the pair are acting out a scene from one of
Seol-Woo's films. In the scene Baek-Se had been held prisoner by some terrorists and Dong-Joon was supposed to beat away all of the defenders and save her. That all worked out well but when it came time to save her Dong-Joon broke the key in the door's lock which left Baek-Se trapped.
 A locksmith couldn't get there for three hours so the pair conversed through the door, kind of a long scene and was the only part of the 128 minute that seemed to drag a bit. To slow down the effects of her cancer Baek-Se has to take medications for it, her alarm went off signaling it was time for her to take them but they were outside the door. The locksmith was extremely overdue so Dong-Joon went into his hero mode and was able to break the door's lock to give Baek-Se her medicine, she thought to herself it was an act only Seol-Woo could have done.
 Dong-Joon's roommate Geum-Son had started a webtoon strip featuring the pair and what they're going through but he didn't reveal their names. But the viewers think the man character looks so much like Seol-Woo, someone posted a pic of Dong-Joon and Baek-Se together. Why a person would take a pic like that is unknown unless they thought it was Seol-Woo. There are rumors flying around the internet, is the most popular actor in Korea Seol-Woo dating an ordinary woman?

 Those rumors eventually come to the attention of the real Seol-Woo who was asked by his manager and the press if the pictures are real. Seol-Woo insists they're all doctored, we won't see him again until the end of the series but he's really like many other famous actors.... stuck up! 😈 But if it wasn't for the webtoon none of the possible relationship news would have been known, to Dong-Joon his roommate Geum-Son went a bit over the line and he forced him to delete the strip.
 One other person became aware of the webtoon and that's Baek-Se who also was irate her life was known to millions. Those viewers didn't have many nice words to say about Baek-Se, they said she was faking her cancer and that she had fabricated the pictures. Before that her life had been gong well with Dong-Joon, he's been taking a liking to her and doesn't consider what he's doing a job though there still is that 30 million won coming to him.
 The pair were scheduled to meet for another date but just moments before it was supposed to take place is when Baek-Se learned of the webtoon. She read all the nasty comments the public were writing about her which made her both furious and sad. She did meet up with Dong-Joon but it wasn't a happy event, she told him about the webtoon and told him the contract is now over though she'll still give him the money. Dong-Joon did plead with Baek-Se to change her mind, as I said he's developed some feelings for her and it's not entirely his fault for what his roommate did.

 Baek-Se's condition is worsening, the pains in her stomach had become so intense she had to be rushed to the hospital by her monk friend Yong-Joo. There the doctors told her the cancer is now in it's final stage and they won't allow to live by herself any more. Reluctantly Baek-Se heads home and begins packing, it's tearing her heart apart taking down and storing all of the Seol-Woo pics she has on her walls. Wondering now why she's bothering to pack everything up unless she's planning on donating all of her possessions but who would want boxes filled with pics of Seol-Woo?
 Dong-Joon is also deep in the dumps, he did get paid the 30 million won by Baek-Se but he could care less about the money as it's her he cares about. He had tried to contact her but unknown to him is that she was in the hospital at the time, he thinks Baek-Se is just ignoring him but he has to see her at least once to set things straight. We're about to hit the final two scenes but they're long ones as they total close to twenty minutes.

 Talk about shocking someone!!!! That's what happened to Baek-Se as while she was continuing her packing who should appear at the door but the real Seol-Woo! He had grown a bit tired of the dating rumors and was able to discover Baek-Se's address. Seol-Woo was there to find out the true story as he thinks all of the pics posted on the internet are fake. But of course Baek-Se can't imagine the real Seol-Woo would come to her tiny apartment, she thinks it's Dong-Joon still playing the role.
 After talking for a while Baek-Se comes to realize that it's the real Seol-Woo she's two feet from and is about to float away on cloud nine. Seol-Woo keeps asking her about the pics and why she had to forge them but she's in such a daze everything he says is going over Baek-Se's head. But she's jolted back to reality as Seol-Woo had been alerted by his manager that the press had followed him to the apartment and there was an army outside of it. He needs to think of a plan quickly as the media won't leave and he can't be seen coming out a woman's residence or else his reputation will be in tatters.

 While in Baek-Se's apartment Seol-Woo had learned about her cancer and thought it was treatable. This gave him an idea and he told Baek-Se to play along with him as the pair went outside to meet the press. Baek-Se has been Seol-Woo's biggest fan for a decade but those worshipping days are about to come to an end. Baek-se announced to the gathering of reporters she had fabricated all of the pictures of her and Seol-Won, she pleads for everyone to forgive her.
 That's when Seol-Woo told the crowd about Baek-Se's cancer and that he's been paying for her treatment. Baek-Se looked at him in amazement, why is her Idol saying those lies? The lies grow even more as a reporter told the pair that experts have proven the pictures are real, what does
Seol-Woo have to say about that?
 Ad-libbing is a talent of Seol-Woo's as he quickly comes up with a plausible though dishonest response. He tells the horde of media people that yes, the pictures are real but he wanted to keep his helping out Baek-Se a secret. As he was paying for her treatment he wanted to make sure his biggest fan was getting better and tried to meet her secretly. As this is going on Baek-Se was standing there with her jaw almost to the ground, how could such lies keep spewing out of the man she's put on such a high pedestal? But there's about to be a savior for Baek-Se as Dong-Joon had been observing the spectacle in the distance and jumped into action.

 Guess I should be listening to Kara seeing as how Seung-Yeon was a member of the group. Actually their songs are quite good but instead am playing Morning Musume, on right now is "Summer Night Town" and it's hard to top that tune. Actually the group can as "Love Machine" is coming up soon.
 Back to the recap and as you can see above Seol-Woo and the press are looking with amazement at Dong-Joon, for Seol-Woo it's like looking in a mirror. Dong-Joon had come to care for Baek-Se more than anything in the world, he tells the media the true story of the pictures and his relationship with her. During his speech he's joined by Baek-Se who admitted to the world that she had been the world's most colossal fan of Seol-Woo's and had hired Dong-Joon to portray him as there was no way possible it was going to happen before her death.
 Bad things have a way of coming back to bite you which is what happened to Seol-Woo. Now that the truth has been revealed he's looked upon by everyone to be just a liar and his golden boy image is now a thing of the past. The press eventually just ignored Seol-Woo who gets pushed to the ground to crowd around Dong-Joon who is about to become popular regardless of what he thinks of his face.

 We're now at the conclusion and as you can see Baek-Se is lying in a hospital bed waiting for her inevitable death. By her side is Dong-Joon and had she not been on death's bed could see the pair getting married as they truly have fallen in love with each other. The ending isn't sad in the least as Baek-Se has kept her spirits up and more than anything wants to see Dong-Joon become a popular actor after she's gone. That's already happening for him as he's gotten a medium sized role in a film with Han Ji-Min who he's such a big fan of, she's someone who deserves a few posts here.
 We never saw the final moments of Baek-Se nor did we see if she had a funeral though there was a small memorial for her at a crematorium. Dong-Joon has become well known, as he's walking across the spot on the Han River Bridge he's met by a pair of fans, they don't refer to him as Seol-Woo these days but by his real name. Meanwhile life isn't going well for Seol-Woo whose career has bottomed out, nice to see devious people take such a fall.
 There was another event that took place before Baek-Se passed away. She told Dong-Joon that people live to be a hundred(!), that means he'll hit that age in 2087 and that's when they'll meet again on the same bridge. Also as a nice gesture Dong-Joon donated the 30 million won he received from
Baek-Se to the Life Line office where she worked, with that the short web series comes to an end.

 For movies I'll give out a rating out from zero to ten points but for dramas never give out one. To me a recommendation should be good enough and while I won't give this a very high one did think it was an enjoyable watch and glad it wasn't a tear jerking ending. I'd watch this series again and no doubt I will as Seung-Yeon is certainly one attractive woman and will be watching her in a few more things.
 One is the first season of "Age of Youth" and will be starting on that 2016 drama in January, there was a second season which aired in the Summer. Up next for a drama recap will be the "Re:Mind" series which has been one of the better Japanese shows this year, it's down to one more episode to air. Plenty more of screenshots as usual to help you follow the story a bit better and overall think it's a series worth watching as it had a nice dose of humor with quite a bit of seriousness.


  1. Mann, Seol Woo was pretty quick to be an idiot when he thought he could get away from lying.
    Han Ji-Min! Saw 'Padam Padam' coz Jung Woo-Sung was in it but watching 'Rooftop Prince' now, really liking her but the drama is starting to bang on my doors(not that it's bad but there's one cooooold b**** in that drama...she pretty 🔥 tho).
    Seung-Yeon is "Darn cute" indeed m8! 100% of the time she is. KARA songs were my milk and cereal! Like c'mon
    niga neomu joha~
    Really liked their japanese ones
    These are lives, really like them, pretty easy to find most of their songs but don't think you'd come across these ones easily. It's pretty much christmas now so
    🍺 Merry Christmas 🍺

  2. Do have a few Seung-Yeon posts coming up, she really is such a kawaii gal. Kara was an okay group but will always remain such a bigger J-Pop fan though do admit I'm not as big of a one as I was 2-3 years ago.
    Han Ji-Min is also a hot woman and it's kind of surprising I've never seen her in one drama or film. One reason is nothing seems to be a must watch though "The Plan Man" looks a bit interesting.

  3. Same here baus but for the 'K', split 60/40. Not as big as before because either not much going on with my faves or they gone...or maybe coz I'm gettin old(!!)😱
    Ji-Min won awards for 'Rooftop Prince' so I guess that's a must-watch. I don't really see it that way but it is pretty good, her character is really likable. It's also pretty frustrating because the bad guys are good at being bad, almost dropped the drama coz I wanted to slap-a-b****...still 🔥 tho. 'The Plan Man' looks pretty sweet, it was on the list to watch but was gonna watch 'The Age of Shadows' that she's in but seems like a side character, based in the 1920s so it's a new look, different than the modern or Joseon era ones that I usually see her in. Lots of hours needed to watch all of these tho haha
