Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Momoka Ishida: Her first intro post, 2019 Magazine scans #1....

 Have really slowed down on introducing new gals here as I think this is just the third person since the beginning of September. With the rule now being you need to be 21 or older to be introduced that's cut down on many possible newbies but also not too many have flown under my radar the past few years who are older. It's both good and bad that there's been a shortage of new blood here the past three months. Bad in that it's nice to have new people to keep things fresh and to have women I can post about in the future. Good though as it means most of my faves have been busy and have been doing many posts for them which has been the case the past few months. Tend to do post more about new gals when there's some slow stretches but there really hasn't been a major one recently which is actually for the better.
 Have been noticing Momoka a bit these past few months as she's been in at least ten mags since July, will have half of them for today. Momoka is an actress but hasn't been in a regular prime time drama but is currently has a big role in a series currently airing on Abema Prime. Keep adding an O for the final letter in her name as it's so much more common than it ending in an A.

 Momoka, finally spelled it right, is old enough as she turned 22 back on October 21st. She's kind of a late comer to the entertainment industry and though I couldn't find out the exact details think she went to a farming college and she did graduate. College graduates tend to be a rarity for Japanese actresses but not for gravure models and will have more bio info in her next intro post. Momoka has her own site which is updated often with her current happenings and Instagram pics, if you want to visit it here's the link:

 Momoka does post many Instagram pics, here's some from her page.

 To date don't think Momoka has appeared at any events or done much else besides modeling and appearing on TV. But as mentioned in the beginning she's the kind of gal I like to introduce as I think there will be plenty of things to post about her in the future. On to the mag spreads and though Momoka's first ever appearance in a mag didn't happen until July she's already been in at least ten of them. This is her first ever set which is from the July 22nd issue of WPB.

 Second Momoka spread is from the October 4th edition of Friday.

 Another terrific Momoka spread that's from the October 30th Weekly Shonen, didn't go in date order as some of her others for the next post are from September.

 Momoka does more than just gravure spreads as we'll be ending off with these two sets from Weekly Ascii which is a tech mag. They're her first two times as a cover girl and these are from the November 19th and 26 issues. After the pics have a Young Champion photo shoot video but won't have that spread until her next post. She reminds me of a few older faves and watching this video Kasumi Arimura comes to mind.

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