Thursday, September 16, 2021

Marie Iitoyo: Still trying to fend off any challengers who want her crown!!!!


 Would have to say Marie is doing an excellent job at beating back that crowd, that is save for one mega fave. Last year she had the #1 ranking for 2020 sewn up by this time, my number one for 2021 is going to go right down to the wire and prefer that instead of someone running away with the crown. Last year Marie set an all time record for posts as she had 26 in this vein and thirteen for dramas, if my calculator is correct that totals 39. But really just concentrate on posts like this one and this is her 21st of the year so the question is can Marie get six more to top last year's mark? A 'Nao Year' begins on December 1st which means 75 days are left to get those six posts or one about every other week. Like who will be this year's #1 on my fave's list that potential record may go down to the wire and have a feeling 27 posts will be hit, hope all that makes sense.

 Looks like I'm at the point where all of Marie's older activities from 2017-20 have been included in a post. That's a slight disappointment as it was always nice digging up something overlooked. This is kind of a small yet large post, 36 new modeling pics yet 32 screenshots from her latest drama. So while no new mag spreads or events really don't need them for a Marie post and she's the only one I can say that about. She may have a busy acting stretch coming up as she will be in a mini drama airing in December plus the third season of 'Kimi to Sekai' was supposed to air this Autumn. It's being filmed but don't know any other info and she'll also be in a Asadora beginning early next year.

 We really need another photobook but I'm not holding my breath on that. The current drama  mentioned is titled "Hinekure Onna no Bocchimeshi" which has finished it's eight episode run. Have included a mini recap in these posts for the first seven shows and will have the final one for today. It was a series that wasn't subbed and while I was able to follow along somewhat well know much was missed. Marie played the lead role of Tsugumi who is in her young twenties and works a dead end job at a convenience store. She's quite a introverted and private person with no friends and her only enjoyment it seems is checking the White Horse 0515 website. That's run by a man in his thirties who works at an office, he visits these out of the way restaurants which had intrigued Tsugumi who began eating at them and those places serve the best food in Tokyo.

 Tsugumi is his only follower and neither knows one thing about each other. They've never met and this being the final show thought it may happen but it didn't take place though it came close at the end. Then the pair had sent each other some text messages for the first time, they were both standing on a bridge fifty yards apart but with their backs turned so never saw one another. The 0515 in White Horse referred to the man's birthday or May 15th which was the date this show took place. Of all things it was also Tsugumi's birthday and she celebrated the occasion in a small French restaurant, naturally alone. You can see all of the various foods she devoured and while it wasn't subbed this was an enjoyable show which I'm going to miss viewing.

 In future posts will have some screenshots from Marie's 2020 horror film "Stare". But that's another thing that hasn't been subbed and think it needs it much more than the above drama. No new mag spreads for today but have plenty of recent modeling pics. Not so many from the Oggi site but in August she did celebrate her third anniversary of being one of their models.

 More modeling pics from the More site, she's been with them for 2 1/2 years.

 These are my top new pics of the day which are for the Uniqlo Autumn collection and have you ever seen someone as busy as Marie has these last three years?

 Will end off with something slightly odd but in a good way. Marie is now a model for Viage which is a lingerie brand. Don't know what kind of pics to expect in the future but don't think they'll be as skimpy as other lingerie models do. Marie's first two CM's came out for them this week, have them after the pics and while a bit tame all fans need to view the video.

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