Thursday, September 29, 2022

"Kamen Rider Geats" series: Episode three of ?? recap


 Air Dates: September 4th until August 2023(!), Sunday mornings at 9:00 am on TV-Asahi
Screenwriter: Yuuya Takahashi     Subs done by Anon at NYAA

Main Cast: This will be an ongoing work in progress and this section may never be 100% complete! Most was written up after viewing the first episode though we didn't meet every character and sure a bit more will be added in for every show but hopefully most things will be known by the fifth or so episode. All of the riders are fighting an alien race called Jamato.

Desire Grand Prix rules

 Not all about the game has been revealed yet but this is what's known after two episodes. The contest lasts for six months, during it a Kamen Rider gets points with the most being for killing the alien Jamatos. Points can also be earned for saving human lives and other acts of heroism but not as many as slaying a Jamato. At the end of the contest the winner gets to choose what kind of world he wants to see exist, check on Ace below to see his wish as he won the last contest. Once a contest ends any person involved will have their memories reset and know zero about the contest and Jamato army so that person can live their live in peace. If they return for another contest those memories will return. Will update this section too as we go along.

Hideyoshi Kan as Ace Ukiyo/Kamen Rider Geats.... He truly is an ace fighter though slightly arrogant and is the most current winner of the Desire Grand Prix. Ace had a very unique and selfish wish for his new world. It would be one where he would be the Star of Stars or in other words immensely popular and to say he has a huge ego would be an understatement!

 Ryuga Sato as Keiwa Sakurai/KR Tycoon.... Newest Kamen Rider who was recruited at the end of the first episode. Keiwa is the younger brother of Sara and he was a college student who had been looking for work with no success. He has two Rider weapons, a Booster Buckle and an Armed Arrow which he got from KR Ginpen.

 Yuno Hoshino as Neon Kurama/KR Nago.... She was also recruited at the end of the first episode and is the youngest Kamen Rider. Neon comes from a very wealthy family and until becoming a 'superhero' had been a very influential celebrity influencer, especially among high school girls. Her weapon is an Armed Hammer.

 Kazuto Mokudai as Michinaga Azuma/KR Buffa(buffer).... Think the Buffa is actually short for Buffalo and he is as tough as one!

 Ryunosuke Miyamoto as Kanato Sumida/KR Dapan.... High school senior who is a new recruit and is so bitter about life due to an accident.

 Koji Abe as Morio Koganeya/KR Merry.... Bit of a playboy

 Tomoharu Hasegawa as Takahito Taira/KR Ginpen.... Is the personnel manager at an IT company that screens for future Kamen Riders. He himself became a rider in the second episode and his reason for wanting to win is to help his severely sick son.

 The others of the cast, don't think many more will be added in

Kokoro Aoshima as Tsumuri.... Navigates the Grand Prix as far as figuring out the points and other tidbits go but don't know enough about her yet.

 Nene Shida as Sara Sakurai.... My main reason for watching this show! She's the older sister of the newest Kamen Rider Keiwa and works as an OL.

Previous recaps:

 It may not be as important in future posts to read the previous recaps. However do suggest at least skimming through the first two as so many things are thrown at us. Will often explain certain things which have occurred or what some things mean but not all the time, especially as we go along. In these Sentai series the first two episodes are jam packed with so many things to explain but after those shows it does settle down a bit and turn into a regular series. What sets this apart from your usual dramas is that many new characters will be introduced and some may even bite the dust which has happened twice already! Plus there's new monsters we'll meet along with the Riders getting new weapons and also there's different story lines that are added in so these series never grown stale even though there's fifty episodes! Let's get to this recap, the one for the fourth show is the next post.

 For the Kamen Riders will be referring to them as KR name which makes it easier for me.

 Hoping you read the first two recaps and in the second episode there were at least 25 candidates to become a new Kamen Rider, two others had already been. But during a training contest the Earth was attacked by an army of Jamatos who the Kamen Riders will be battling in each episode, we still haven't met any of the Jamato leaders. So that training had to be aborted and only seven became new Riders as they had obtained a weapon. The Desire Grand Prix lasts for six months so that means for about the next 44 episodes! The winner of a contest gets to choose what kind of world he wishes to live in, the current winner who is also in this new contest is KR Geata aka Ace. His main dream was to be the Earth's 'Star of Stars' which means he's the most popular man on the planet, when the Riders aren't in battle they lead a normal life. But in those contests when you get killed you also die in real life and in the top screenshot on the bottom left is KR Ginpen, he died at the hands of a Jamato in the second show which did surprise me but have a strong feeling he'll somehow come back to life.  

 Leading a normal life is all KR Nago aka Neon wants, that's her in three of the above screenshots. She comes from a very wealthy family and there's no pleasing her mother. Neon has a very popular video channel where her main objective has been running away from home. Never once has she been successful as she's told her fans the next show will be her 50th attempt at that, to the surprise of the world Ace joined her on Neon's newest episode. She has two bodyguards who always thwart her running away intentions, that's the pair above and could swear I've seen the two of them as bodyguards in other Sentai series too. Neon's current video show has to be put on hold as there's been another attack by the Jamato army who can clone so there's an endless supply of them. It's up to the group of Kamen Riders to save the Earth and there's only six for such a task! Every battle from here on out will be more difficult, this one is no walk in the park at the Riders have to defeat an army of Jamato Zombies!

 If you're confused on what the Riders look like there is a pic of each of them in the bio section. This is the second battle in the current contest and of course after one round Ace aka KR Geats is in the lead. There's a screenshot of a Jamato Zombie above, doesn't look like an Earth Zombie but fights like one which is to say they don't move so well. In the top screenshot is the scoring system for this round and it was announced by the Desire Grand Prix navigator Tsumuri the lowest score after this round will be eliminated! That'll mean just five Riders will be protecting the Earth which is the usual number in older series. The Jamato Zombies have been known to attack in three waves with each one being stronger, this first wave didn't prove to be much off a challenge for the Riders but still all are so concerned with not having the lowest score! The person who needs to worry the most is Keiwa aka KR Tycoon who in the second episode didn't want to fight, he better now or he'll be a goner and not sure if that means their human life will be ending too but wouldn't think so.

 KR Tycoon did fight a bit in this shortish battle and think the main reason was be wants to avenge the death of KR Ginpen who died in the second episode. KR Tycoon is under the impression a Rider can someone back to life if they are the grand winner and that's his aim, to see KR Ginpen reincarnated. So after the first round KR Tycoon is safe as he's not in last place, he did get some points for saving a few human lives. After losing his Booster Buckle weapon to KR Geats in the last show he's acquired KR Ginpen's archery weapon, it looks like a arrow shooter but instead fires powerful beams. After a round the Riders all rest up in some unknown 'Palace' and there's two screenshots of it above. In one Neon aka KR Nago was talking about what she wished for if she won the Grand Prix which was to meet her soulmate, bit of a lame wish. In that bottom screenshot is KR Dapan on the right and need to add him into the bio section. His real name is Sumida who is a high school senior and hates everything in the world, that is save for his fellow Rider Neon who he has such a crush on. KR Dapan is talking with KR Buffa who is such a superb fighter but can never top KR Geats, then again no one can! He's suggested to KR Dapan the pair team up to get more points but also to decrease the amount that KR Geats gets which is much easier said then done.

 That's KR Dapan in the top screenshot and what he was doing was firing at his mate KR Geats! There are some rules against hurting or firing at Riders plus they're not allowed to steal each other's weapons. So KR Dapan firing at KR Gears, who escaped, means that his point total will be drop immensely and was it worth taking that chance as he may end up in last place? Most of the Jamato Zombies were killed which was no surprise so KR Dapan was still on the hunt for KR Geats who turned the tables on him. While KR Dapan was searching for his rival behind him popped out KR Geats who immediately fired his weapon at him and you can see KR Dapan on the ground above. However KR Geats has turned out to be.... the HERO!!!! Unknown to all but him KR Dapan had been bitten by a Jamato Zombie and he deduced that by observing none had attacked him. Killing a Zombie, especially a Rider one, is worth a huge amount of points which means once again KR Geats is the winner of a round, that's why he's called Ace!

 Did mention that KR Dapan hates everything and his wish was for humanity to become extinct! He wasn't always like that as in high school Sumida was a star basketball player until he got injured in an accident. Since then he hasn't been able to play and because of that he wishes for the world to become extinct?! Haven't viewed the next show so don't know what's to become of KR Dapan, is there a Zombie cure for the Riders? There better be for as the episode was in it's final seconds dropping to the floor was KR Nago above, she too had been bitten by a Jamato Zombie! So that ends this recap and a bit ahead of myself as the fourth episode doesn't air for three days. Could do a weekly recap for the series but think you can follow the story better when there's back to back posts. 


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