Friday, October 27, 2023

Hinatazaka46: The highly (un)anticipated eleventh post for.... Suzuka Tomita!


 Thought October was going to be a much better month than September as far as the amount of posts go. That won't be the case as the total should be about the same but as mentioned a week ago though there's been a decrease in posts they're larger than ever so the amount of pics and such is about the same as a month with more posts. Monday will be the last day for October posts as I usually take the final day of a month off. That final post will be one ultra fabulous photobook and will admit I'm extremely impressed by it! Now the problem is what to do for posts this weekend as I really don't have anything in the works. But the problem often works out, for instance had no plans on doing this post for another few weeks yet here we are and she did save the day.

 Have had the feeling for a long time that Suzuka will never be that popular here and guess there's no way to change that but I like her immensely. She does have a couple of huge fans here who do post some positive comments but wish there were more of them. You wouldn't think so but this is Suzuka's eighth post since January and will she make this year's faves list which will have sixteen women? For now that's up in the air and still have a bit of time to mull things over, in about three weeks will have some sort of intro post for the countdown and things should be clearer by then. Know her fans and myself would love to see Suzuka have a photobook but just because we wish for one would it ever happen? That I have no clue about and there were only two books this year for members, my guess would be Yes to her having a book though will predict it wouldn't happen for over a year. In the next year or two bet a lot of first generation members will be graduating so you would think they would be first in line to have a photobook.

 This really won't be too large of a post, there will be 58 photos and most are brand new for here but there will be only four segments. One thing we've never seen Suzuka do is any kind of modeling and wouldn't she be perfect for that? Of course she would but the problem with Hina these days is that they've become so large at over thirty members and there's just not enough modeling gigs or magazine spreads for everyone. First off for Suzuka are these recent pics from her IG page and she does post many of them. There's four pics below from the "See You at the Circuit" racing show and she's been a regular on that racing show for a while but the racing season just ended so she won't be back on it until next Spring, she's also been on two other Formula One shows.

 Enjoy doing monthly posts that feature promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game. But for the fourth month in a row the pics are so late in coming out and why has that been? Here we are with four days to go in October and the only pics released so far are for Hina/Keya members who celebrated an October birthday. Shame that's been happening as I've always thought those pics were so super duper, here are Suzuka's pics for September and August.

 Hina will be releasing an album on November 8th so hope to hear a lot from the group. For some odd reason that hasn't been the case for Keya who had a single come out nine days ago. Suzuka's next birthday will be her 23rd and that will be happening on January 18th, really hoping that's not the date of her next post! Halloween will be in four days and have some unscary 😨 Suzuka pics for the day, the bottom two are new for the group's 'Hina Koi' game.

 Will end off with many new and overly superb promo pics for Hina's 'Mysterious Library' game. To me these pics are always terrific and don't know why but she has many more of them than any other member, think the bottom ones are supposed to be for Halloween. If you're one of the few who have bene reading these posts you know that since June Suzuka has been looking to buy her first car. Hina has a newish YT channel for the members and she did upload two videos of her adventures at a car dealership. However both times she didn't purchase one but on September 30th her third video was uploaded of her car buying experience. Suzuka said she prefers older cars though it appears by the end of this new video she still hadn't made a decision. After the pics is the video and perhaps she could turn her car buying adventures into some sort of monthly series.


  1. If they had her do a photobook with a healthy dose of gravure in it, I bet her popularity would shoot through the roof and then sky would be the limit! But nope, seems like they're gonna freaking have *anybody* in the group do a PB before our Suzy...and I'm afraid that when her day will finally come, they'll freaking set her PB in Hokkaido or the North Pole or whatever, so the only skin she'll be able to show is gonna be, like, her ankle or something like that...seriously, I can't freaking understand Hina's management...😣

  2. Can't understand them either and will say I was shocked that Hinano had a book before her and some other members. You would think with Sarina graduating she would have a book but have heard no news of it and wonder if she would want one? Same goes for Konoka and bet she would be next in line if she wanted a book, she'll be the center for one of the album's new songs. It wouldn't be that bad of a thing if Suzuka had a book set in Hokkaido or wherever, Hinako from Nogi went to Sweden for her first book and a lot of pics were taken where the Arctic Circle begins.... that was one fabulous book!

  3. I honestly don't really follow Nogizaka that much so I must confess not knowing the PB you were referring to, sorry...(...ehm, in all fairness I don't even know the girl herself... what's her last name so I can check? πŸ˜…)
    Anyway if it depended on me, I'd have Suzy's PB set in Nagasaki or Okinawa (staying in Japan), Vietnam or Thailand (staying in Asia) and if they were to let her travel to the rest of the world, than Mexico, Greece or Italy (my own country πŸ˜…) that even the outdoors pics would have her somehow scantily clad, ehm...☺️☺️☺️
    Yep, Kono-chan also deserves a book! πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

  4. It's Kitano and for about the next fourteen hours, noon or so EDT, that will be the featured post of the day if you want to check it out.. Though I'm not much of a Nogi fan these days she's been my #1 member for so many years. Have noticed many '46' gals have gone down to Vietnam and Thailand for their books. Rika Watanabe from Keya I think went to Greece for her book and Miona Hori went to Sicily for her first book, don't know if any have gone to Italy. My choices would be Iceland or Switzerland as I'm positive no one has ever visited those places for their photo shoots.

    1. Thanks a lot for the link, much appreciated! πŸ‘
      That PB is very nice, but gravure-wise only the indoors shots check, since in the outdoors ones she's of course entirely covered except for the face...πŸ˜…
      LOL Sicily is still Italy...πŸ˜…
      Imaizumi Yui and Watanabe Miyuki also had PBs in Italy (the former in Apulia, the latter in Lombardy - both PBs were top-notch, imho ☺️πŸ˜‰)

  5. P.s.
    Oh, I forgot, also a Nogizaka I know from her acting career, Nishino Nanase, did a PB in Italy (in Milan)...and also Toda Erika, though in her case I don't remember where exactly...

  6. Erika went to Rome in 2009 for a photobook which was for Cecil McBee and did post that superb book back in May 2013, you can just search by that name to find the posts. Nanase also went to Morocco for a book and that had to be the oddest location for any PB as way too many pick the more obvious places such as Paris, London, NYC and Australia.

  7. Oh yeah, it was in Rome, you're right! πŸ‘
    I always hope my faves don't do any PBs in urban USA, 'cause imho normally such PBs tend to suck (they have the girls invariably dressed as city brats, which is, like, the least sexy attire ever, LOL).
    On the other hand Paris is also inflationed as a PB setting, but at least the PBs done there all tend to be elegant and fascinating (like Sugai's, for example 😚)
