Thursday, October 26, 2023

Hinatazaka46: "Tachikogi" photobook scans.... a repost....


 That first pic will always be one of my all time favorites.... nothing wrong with the second one either!!!! By repost I mean this book had been posted before which was back in February 2020. What a popular post its been with over 12,000 views(!) so could have left well enough alone. But at the time of that original post though the quality of the scans could have been better and always had it in the back of my mind do fix that. No sense doing that in that first post as no one would have realized it. Some months back did get a better version of this book which also had a few different pics. At the time said I would save this post for a rainy day and promptly forgot about it! It's not a rainy day but had nothing else going on and luckily recalled this had been waiting to be published!

 To date this is the only group photobook for Hina and you don't see any these days for J-Pop groups. Nogi has two of these book, many Hello Project groups such as C-ute do too but there's been no major ones for some years now. That's a shame as the books are all superb and now anyone who read the original post will enjoy these much better photos so much more. The book was released on August 28, 2019 and it was before the third generation had joined, the photo shoot took place in Okinawa. What  a massive seller this book was as first week sales were over 95,000 copies sold and by the end of 2021 had sole 182,000 copies, that total could be close to 200K by now.

 There's not a huge amount of gravure photos in this book but the ones that are in get a grade of A++++ from me! Quite a few members have had books the last three years but there's more members who haven't. Such as Ayaka and Kumi, they have a few scantly clad pics and both look so super duper. Just did a regular Hina group post four days ago, will have another coming up soon as they have a new album coming out on November 8th. But I do way more solo posts for the members and if things work out there should be at least five of those next month. On to the terrific book which contains 149 pics and already gave all of the details for it so enjoy the photos which should be easy to do, title translates over to School Trip.

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