Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Nagi Nemoto: Her sizzling new 'Strike!' digital book plus many other goodies!


 Did a post for Nagi back in June but that had been her first one since 2021. In 2020 had 'discovered' her and did four posts that year for her and then one post in 2021. But it figures Nagi took a long hiatus after that from her Dempagumi Inc. and Niji no Conquistador J-Pop groups because of health issues and kind of forgot about her for so long. She graduated from both groups in April 2022 and last October released her first solo EP. After that Nagi still wasn't doing all that much save for becoming a V Tuber and doing some other minor work. But in tn the last five months Nagi has become so much more busier and I do like her so hopefully these two posts will be the start of many of them. You viewers certainly like Nagi quite a bit too as her previous posts have all been very popular so know you also want to begin seeing many more of these.

 Nagi is one of those woman who will always look young but she will be turning 25 on March 15th, that's also the date of a huge fave of mine though there is an eight year difference. Just four sections to this post but the pics add up to be close to a hundred and most are new from the past six weeks. She never posts many IG photos though as this is it from the last three months, the top three are from when she appeared at the Lucky Fes which was an Idol show held in late July.

 As you can see above Nagi enjoys doing cosplaying. The bottom two pics are outtake ones from this mini spread which is from the September 8th issue of Friday.

 Three days ago Nagi released her second EP, will see if there's any videos from it. Up next is this much larger magazine spread that's from the November issue of Strike! and is promoting her new digital book for them. Another regular photobook is one that I would love to see from her, she has one titled "Spica" that came out in 2019 and was truly sweltering.

 Back in 2017 Nagi appeared in the mini drama "Tomodachi Game" and did find a subbed version. May end up recapping that series and there were also two movies that came out after the drama. On to her second digital book of the year which was released on September 29th by the Strike! magazine. This set has 55 photos and it is definitely quite sizzling, at only 150 cm she packs quite a bit onto such a tiny frame. After the pics have a video from Nagi's second EP which is titled "Due Stelle", name of the song is "It's Already Love" and it's actually a decent tune.

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