Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Kisumi Amau: Her scorching new SPA "Seasonal Girl" digital book....


 With this massive slowdown for posts getting even worse know I need to introduce some newbies but there's honestly not too many that interest me. However there is someone who I've had my eye on for a while but figured could only do a pair of posts for her. But she is the cover girl for a new magazine that came out today so even though can only do 2-3 posts for now let me work on the first and hope to have that first post within two days. Kisumi is now up to a dozen posts for the year and just did one for her two weeks ago so had wanted to wait a bit before doing this. But as all know it's been such a struggle to do posts so it made no sense hanging on to this and hope the trend continues for this year which is that the Autumn tends to often be the busiest time of the year for posts.

 Don't know how but completely forgot about Kisumi's 28th birthday which took place on August 12th. Think the reason it slipped my mind is that Kisumi hasn't been all that busy the past two months, do have one semi-recent magazine spread to post but besides that not much else. August is often the slowest time of the year for activities such as new dramas, movies, photobooks, etc. and think a mini holiday just wrapped up in Japan. The last four posts for Kisumi have been for photobooks, three digital and one regular PB. This set was released on August 2nd by the SPA! magazine and it's part of their 'Seasonal Girl' book series, of course the photos are for their Summer special. This batch contains 73 steamier than steamy Kisumi pics but once again there was no video from the photo shoot, have moaned often she has way too few of them considering how many gravure spreads she's had.

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