Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Manami Higa: IT Pro EXpo pics from October 7th and new Panasonic CM's

 On the overall solo female post count Manami is third yet this is only the fifth post for her this year, just seems there hasn't been all that much to post about her even though she's been in two dramas this year already. Manami is going to be another drama that's starting on October 23rd called "Samurai Sensei", it's supposed to be some sort of Sci-Fi/comedy show, debating whether to watch it but may as I've kind of been missing her.
 Still preferred Manami with her longer tresses but guess we'll have to live with the shorter do as I doubt she's going to let it grow that long again though it does look longer than it did, she's actually looking mighty terrific in these pics. On October 7th Manami was at the IT Pro Expo where she was promoting the new Panasonic Let's Note SZ5 Laptop, here's many pics from the event along with two promo ones from their site.

 Yesterday Panasonic released five(!) Manami CM's for the new laptop, won't post all of them but do have two of them below after a few screenshots.

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