Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tsubasa Honda: "Terminal" movie press conference pics and video

 That's the poster for Tsubasa's next movie which is coming out on November 7th, "Terminal". Would stake my life that it'll be a better view than her last drama "Koinaka" which just finished it's run two weeks ago but when you look as alluring as Tsuabasa did in it....

 .... then I guess we can forgive her! Honestly, how many brides have ever looked better than that, don;t think you need to know how to count to one to figure that answer out!
 On November 8th Tsubasa and the other main characters in the film were at a press conference announcing the completion of the movie. There was no screening but there should be a few of them before the film's release in four weeks. If you visit they have a fairly lengthy synopsis of the movie, it looks like a real serious one which is good because though Tsubasa is a very funny woman I think she does a better acting job in her more serious roles. No need to tell you you how ultra fabulous she looked at the event, you can see that in these stupendous pics from it plus after them there's a video of it along with the movie's trailer.

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