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Monday, August 17, 2020

AKB/SKE "Horror Night Adrenaline" drama: Episode fourteen recap with Akane Takayanagi

 This episode aired on November 18, 2015 and the series ran until March 1st of the following year. There were 41 episodes in all, 21 were on TV-Asahi while the others aired on Hulu. Skewed Subs has done another seven shows but only the ones from TV-Asahi, this brings their total to seventeen done and will have at least two more coming up. As mentioned in that first recap these episodes are quite short ranging from 11 to 15 minutes. That's usually not a problem as it means there's no time for fillers but think this show would have been a bit better had it been 3-4 minutes longer.

Episode title: Video Upload

 Akane played Sonomi and in the first few minutes we were believing her story. That's of her living in a 'haunted apartment' where a previous tenant had jumped from the balcony. We also thought that Sonomi was telling the truth to the audience in that it was her first time uploading a video to the internet. Of all places the video site was called 'YheaTube' and Sonomi thought that by viewers knowing of her horrific apartment they may be able to help her or even perhaps save her if a ghost appeared as she was making the videos.

 It wasn't just one video but many as they seemed to be just a few minutes in length but weren't done 'live' as Sonomi doctored them up to make them appear 'scary' before putting them on 'YheaTube'. Sonomi confessed her scheme to her best friend Aki and the videos were all done for the wrong reasons. Sonomi is one of those gals consumed by how many likes they receive or how many views their videos get which was why Sonomi was doing them, to become popular on the video channel.

 As you can see in the second to last screenshot there was a hand on Sonomi's left shoulder. She didn't put that there and where did it come from(?), she couldn't admit that there was possibly a ghost in the house to Aki. That video received over 10,000 views, a good amount but not too impressive according to Sonomi. But as you can see in the last screenshot some viewer is aware of her tricks, it wasn't Aki so who knew that Sonomi was doctoring the videos?

 Sonomi came up with the idea that doing a live broadcast would attract so many more views, she's enlisted Aki do help her create some spooky special effects. During this time there's also been some creepy noises around her apartment but Sonomi couldn't find the source of them, was it just her imagination? The live video was scheduled to begin at 9:00 pm but things fell apart before the presentation. First the lights went off in Sonomi's apartment yet her computer and internet still worked? Actually that may have been a blessing thought Sonomi as she lit candles which gave the place a more eerie atmosphere.

 The other snag in the live broadcast was that an emergency arose and Aki couldn't make it to help her friend with the special effects. That was a tragic happening for Sonomi for as you can see above shortly after starting the live broadcast a figure appeared behind her, we never did see the outcome as the episode ended there but we can guess what took place. All of these shows have had a reference to a classic Japanese horror movie, this one from 'Ringu' and the above post from 'Ju-On'.

 Fine episode but as mentioned in the beginning a few more minutes may have made this a bit better. This lasted a little over thirteen minutes but the final two were of an interview with Akane and some of those pics are below. Will try to squeeze in the next pair before my mini holiday, looking forward to the next one which features Miru from NMB.

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