Saturday, October 22, 2022

Kanako Miyashita: Another extreme 'Blast from the past' post....


 Don't know what the smallest post of the year has been so far but this should beat that one as there's only 34 new pics. Bit of an odd stretch lately for in this month have done three posts for some potential faves who only have one once in a blue moon, maybe not even that often! Perhaps I should make a new category for.... Those who could be massive faves but it'll never happen!!!!

 Kanako would be right near the top of that list and I've liked her so much for about four years. She's had four other posts which have been popular but think the last one was two years ago, must be a blue moon this month! Have seen Kanako in many dramas, never huge parts and most of the time they've been guest roles. She is a busy woman though with two radio shows and has done many more guest appearances on dramas than I thought. She also did the lead female voice in a recent anime film but besides those she seldom appears in magazines or at events, when you view her pics today you'll be wondering why hasn't Kanako had a digital photobook yet?

 The only things for today are a quartet of magazine spreads, three I've had for a while which weren't enough for a post. But Kanako does have a new spread that will end the post and by the looks of the pics maybe there is a book on the horizon! Least these four spreads do add up to 34 pics which is a good amount for spreads, Kanako must be somewhat popular as she's been the cover girl three times for a mag such as this set from the January 2020 issue of Cyzo.

 Yes, I've held on to that above spread for that long! At the end of last year Kanako did have a pair of spreads and figured a post for her would be right around the corner, obviously that didn't happen Second up for spreads is this set from the December 9th issue of SPA!.

 With pics as sweltering as these why hasn't she had more spreads???? Third up for today is this set from the December 20, 2021 issue of WPB.

 Final set for today may be Kanako's most provocative pics to date, they're brand new from the November 1st issue of Flash and the bottom five are from the photo shoot. After the pics is an older video from 2019 and it's one of my all time faves. It had been deleted but was added back to YT five months ago, it's from a Big Comic Spirits photo shoot and.... WOW!!!!

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