Sunday, October 23, 2022

Miku Tanaka: Her momentous third intro post!


 There's something I've noticed recently about my posting even though its been going on for years! That's of doing two to five posts on Sunday morning and then zero for the rest of the day, often times not until Monday night. Been doing that for so long but had never thought about it until a few hours ago and can't think of the last time a post was published after 11:00 am. That'll be the case for today also and like many of these Sunday posts wrote this up the day before, perhaps I also need a break from Idols and such at times. There will be one more post after this but it may take close to two hours to write up, hope not as that'll mean it won't be finished until after 11:00 am.... I can sure ramble on at times about some totally inane subject....

 This is Miku's third post in nine days and hope you won't get tired of her for a while. Will have another post this week and about four in the first three weeks of November. That'll bring her up to seven and her eighth will be for whatever position she finishes on this year's faves list. Know that Miku didn't have any posts until recently but she's someone I've been noticing this whole year and was just biding my time until her September 12th birthday. So not sure where she'll end up on the list but am thinking she could be the highest ranking newbie which would mean a top ten position! Still unsure about most positions but what an odd year it will be for ages. There are five between the ages of 20-22 yet there may be six who are 27 or older in age, have no clue what that may mean!

 Most of these first six or seven intro posts will mainly consist of magazine spreads, that's because no one has had more than she has had this year! And they're not slowing down as she's had three more this month plus two more scheduled for November, maybe she should just become a full time gravure model?! But Miku does do regular modeling and in her last post had some superb pics from Non-no. Earlier this year she became a model for Moz, she has so many pics at their site though as you can see not a lot of variety.

 Miku had very few IG pics for July so will save those and combine them with the ones from August for her next post. Been trying to keep these pics in chronological order, won't be 100% perfect but close enough. Small batch here are some HKT group cards that came out in the Spring.

 Will have three or four magazine spreads in each post, never sure as it depends on how large they are, most of Miku's are well over ten pages. Looking at the size of them today will just have three, this first set is from the May issue of Entame and Miku is usually the cover girl for the mags she appears in.

 Didn't go quite in order as this second spread is from the April 25th edition of Big Comic Spirits.

 At 22 pics this final set from the June 3rd issue of Young Gangan is massive and of course you know that Miku graced the cover! Still can't get over that there's been zero videos from any of these photo shoots, must be a management decision but why would they do that? So after the pics have the PV for HKT's last single "Bisan wa Naze Nakunaru no ka?", it was released on June 22nd. Like most of their songs it's rather good but it just doesn't have that special *thing* to make it a classic though the video itself is very enjoyable.

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