Friday, October 14, 2022

Nao Kanzaki: The preliminary post for this year's faves list....


 Used to have two or three of these posts a year where I would rank where everyone was currently at but haven't done that for the last two years. Now just do one post which is more for my sake but also gives a heads up on what do expect as viewers have grown to enjoy the yearly lists. Sure like most of you things tend to work out better when you write something down or talk about is which is why these posts help. So most everything will be some random thoughts off the top of my head as of now haven't really thought too much on where everyone will end up... or if they will make the list!

 Also use these posts for some other musings and will briefly talk about the age requirement to be introduced. As of January 2021 that age became 22 and have done a good job following that as I've only introduced a pair of 21 year olds since then. Well, that number will be increasing by one very soon and it'll be someone I guarantee all viewers will like immensely! That's this top gal who is Miku Tanaka and sure most of you know who she is, if you don't she's 21 as you probably figured and is a member of HKT. The last five or so months it's been impossible to pick up a gravure/Idol magazine without seeing a spread featuring her in it! As you can see Miku looks out of this world so she's someone you'll be seeing here very soon, perhaps this weekend. The only drawback about the age rule is that when someone is over 21 it may mean I have to wait five months or so to do a post. But sometimes hate the wait and does a few months really matter as being 21 isn't all that young and do need some new blood here.... EDIT: It's many hours later and am working on that first post, don't know if any others will agree but she looks so much like Juri Takashi when she as in the 20/21 years old range.

 Whew, I'm going to enjoy doing posts for her and bet you may see five by the end of the year! The faves list began in 2015, that first year only ten women were on it. Then from 2016-21, which was six years, twenty faves appeared on every list. But this year will decrease it to sixteen as there's less women eligible compared to the previous five years. It's very easy to qualify for the list as only six solo posts are needed, drama and film recaps don't count. For 2018/19 32 women were eligible, that dropped to 28 the next two years. With the reason being no Korean actresses hit that six post mark and will admit I miss posting about them. These days hardly any of my faves actresses from there do much of anything such as appear at events or magazines. However will admit I haven't been working hard at posts for them recently so that's something that needs to be changed.

 This year it appears 25 will qualify for the list, 24 have to date and one other fave just needs a single post. So with the total being lower decided to cut the list down too, just so many of my bigger all time faves have so few posts these days and not many newbies have replaced them. But in my eyes the top sixteen will be by far the strongest yearly faves list I've ever done, especially the top ten. What it means is nine of the 25 won't be making the list and what a chore that will be deciding who to cut! For instance Marie has been #1 the past two years but there's a chance she may not make the top sixteen!

 Of the 28 who had six or more posts in 2021 eleven will fail to hit that mark this year and that boggles my mind. At least there's eight who will be taking their place, some are newbies while a few are old timers who have finally qualified for the list. So am thinking that the countdown will begin right around November 27th which is a Sunday. Would like to complete it by the 22nd of December so that means sixteen position posts in 26 days which shouldn't be a problem, they're usually just regular posts.

 Not hitting the six post mark will be Haruka and Mio above. That's a shame as both had made the fave's list the past three years and both started out 2022 fairly strongly. But neither has had a post in six months and have been trying to have some for them but with the lack of activities it just hasn't been possible. But as mentioned there are eight replacements for the eleven who fell by the wayside this year. One is Akari who did finish second back in 2018 but hadn't been eligible since then, she'll make the top ten easily. Needing just one post to qualify for the first time is Sae and I'll make sure it happens, she has the most attractive face of any woman I post about. She's an actress/model and that's who has seen the biggest decrease in posts this year and don't know why as it was never a problem before.

 So while the two above are long time faves there were six newbies this year who have had six or more posts. Not all will make the list, perhaps four and as of now have no clue what position any will end up at. The highest ranking newbie should be Risa and has she had a lot of posts this year! Seventeen to exact and she may have another one this weekend. Another new gal who I like so much and so don't you viewers is Maria from Morning Musume. At one time thought she'd easily make the top ten but don't think it'll be happening as she's been way too quiet the second half of this year. 


 This was a mini post just to give you viewers a heads up of what to expect in about six weeks as we're already at the end. At this point am not ranking anyone as so much could change between now and December, it probably will! But as of today this would probably be my top five to date for the year but as mentioned much can change. So will go from fifth to first here and as I also mentioned earlier this could be the strongest top ten for any yearly list. The current #1 is Yui and on October 23rd she celebrates her birthday so will have two posts for her on that date. Always do a wrap post for the list one it's completed, there's an outside chance there may be another post like this one just before the countdown begins.

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