Thursday, October 13, 2022

Yuuka Sugai: Another fave who has risen from the grave....


 Yes, another who has risen from her grave but have a feeling in two months she may return to the world of the dead!!!! As many Keya fans know Yuuka has announced her graduation, she's been their only captain. No date for her departure has been set but would think it would take place in December when Keya usually performs two Christmas concerts. Yuuka is someone I like immensely and so don't you viewers as her posts are always so popular. But this is her first solo one since March 2021(!) and there's nothing I could have done about that. She used to have a post about every three months but she's curtailed her activities but least you've been seeing her newish pics in group posts. 

 Have no idea what the future will hold for Yuuka. She has appeared in many large stage plays and often with the lead female role so that could be an option. Or perhaps join the 'real world'(!) as she did graduate in college back in 2018 but don't know what her degree was in. If things work out well this could be the first of three or even four posts for Yuuka, doesn't she have one of the most attractive faces of any Idol? I think so and can't believe she's never done any modeling work, let's begin off with some IG pics from the past month.

 Keya has had only one single this year but least they had an album. It would be nice if there was one around her graduation but it may be too late for that. As mentioned Yuuka has been Keya's only captain, above are two pics with her vice captain whose 23rd birthday is today! That's Rina and while there won't be a post for her today will try to have one within the week. Noticed Halloween isn't a popular day for most Keya members but she does have a fair amount of pics for that eerie day....

 Wow, some real old pics in that above batch! Keya's last single came out in April but for the first time Yuuka didn't appear on the main song. At the time she was in a stage play that lasted for almost two months. So she wouldn't have been able to promote the single so withdrew from appearing which is another reason it would have been nice to see a single around the time of her graduation. It also meant she missed the photo sessions for the 'Uni's on Air' web game, she didn't have any for three months. These top four are from September and the game's third anniversary, the other four are from July.

 In some fabulous news Yuuka will be having a graduation photobook that will be coming out on November 8th. Some of the pics at the top are from her first book which was so terrific, it was also a good seller at about 85,000 copies sold. Sure we'll be seeing her on 'Showroom' often to promote the new book, these are pics from last night's show and also have the video of it.

 Like all recent '46' photobooks the pics were taken in Japan but Yuuka did go to Paris for her first book. Here's some advance pics for the book and even have more of them, the first four are the covers while that bottom pic may be one of my top ten faves of the year.... WOW!!!!

 Final batch of pics is from the October 20th issue of Young Jump, Yuuka is their cover girl and it does have some outtake pics from the book. No new Yuuka videos save for 'Showroom' but on October 19th Keya is releasing a DVD of their first anniversary concert of them with the new Sakura name and after the pics have a new promo video for it.

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