Friday, October 21, 2022

Yuria Haga: A supreme 'Blast from the past' post.... new digital photobook plus more....


 About a week or so ago briefly mentioned how there is this small group of massive faves of mine who you either never here about them or very rarely. Couple reasons for that and obviously the biggest one is there not being many things to post about. Especially for older faves from 2005-12 as magazines weren't nearly as popular then as they are now plus you didn't see all that many digital books. Right near the top of that group is Yuria who was one of my early faves when I first got into Japanese dramas, films, photobooks and Idols which was around 2008.... that makes me feel old!

 Yuria was never a major star but was kind of popular for a while. My first Sentai series was "Kamen Rider 555" that aired in 2003 but I didn't see it until 2009 and now have viewed it at least four times, she had the lead female role in the show. Then two years later Yuria had one of the three leads in the "Shibuya 15" drama and what an action packed show that was. In 2008 she had another lead role in the film "End Call" and that was one fine horror movie, also saw her in a few other things. Plus she had a pair of photobooks and have the links to them above, "Yuu Real" was released in 2009 and that may have been the first photobook I ever viewed, it's still among my favorites. 

 Then in 2014 Yuria had her final starring role in the "Aka X Pinku" film which also has a few other titles. It was just a so-so movie but have seen it five times, however there's a few scenes which I've watched at least a hundred times!!!! Few of my faves have doffed their clothes in a film but not to the extent Yuria and was I shocked when I viewed those scenes, she did look better than I thought. If you do view it get the director's cut which is ten minutes longer, think all of the extra footage was of her stark naked and she didn't leave one part to the imagination! There was a photobook for the film and the link is at the top, it did have some nude pics but couldn't include them.

 But since then haven't seen Yuria in anything as in 2017 she got married and then had a child the next year. I thought she may have retired but still thought about her often as I have such a large picture folder of her. But now it appears she's making a comeback and was recently in a stage play plus there's this new mini photobook. Hope this book isn't a one time deal and we do see Yuria make a comeback but at her age it could be difficult. Not too old as she'll be turning 35 next month but you don't see many that age appear in magazines or photobooks too often.

 So this is just a mini post with mainly the new book and one spread. So though most have probably never heard of Yuria many of the older viewers just may have as her previous posts have all drawn a high amount of views. Hard to have older things for things were slightly different years back, not five but the era from 2005 to 2014.

 Those above are from the "KR 555" series, she was only fifteen going on sixteen at the time. Yuria also had a major role in the "KR Kiva" series that aired in 2008 but for some reason never watched it though it sounds like a real winner. On to the two sets of new pics for today, this first one is from the October 24th issue of WPB and it features outtake pics from the digital book.

 There's always been that certain something which has made Yuria so attractive to me, she did become a minor 'Sex Symbol' but at one time her kawaiiness was off the charts! She does look a bit thinner in this book plus definitely looks a tad older, November 27th is the date of her 35 birthday and she is a bit on the tallish side as her height is 165 cm. This book was released on October 3rd by the WPB magazine, sadly it only has 46 pics and how I hope this isn't a one time deal. She also had a superb 2009 DVD titled "The Last" and after the pics have a segment from it.

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