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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Yuria Haga: 'Yuu Real' photobook scans #2

 Mentioned in the above post that Yuria had the lead role in a film that came out in February called "Aka X Pink". Have seen the film, actually the director's cut and it kind of shocked me and many others that she would do a film like that, some of the scenes were quite steamy. There weren't too many nude scenes with her however they were all quite long and she left zero to the imagination as Yuria showed everything as there were a couple of outstanding full frontal shots. Sadly I really can't post those screenshots from the film here, they wouldn't be appropriate plus I would have to change the setting to an 'adult blog', not going to do that for one post.
 The movie was was just fair but watched it without subs so maybe with them it'd be better but probably like most people mainly wanted to watch it for Yuria and she certainly didn't disappoint any of us with the way she looked, writing this makes me want to go view her erotic scenes again. Those scenes are just in the director's cut, the regular version of the movie doesn't have her full frontal scenes, but I will end the comments about the film saying that Yuria simply looks magnificent, she really does have one fine body and at the time of the shooting of the film she was just shy of turning 26 which happens in November.
 Meanwhile here's part two of her 2009 photobook scans, I think she looks really darn good in these pics, perhaps not as terrific as in the film but you these are still a fantastic set of pics. Also just want to add about the movie screenshots, I can't post those kind of pics here but if you do some searching some of those incredible pics of Yuria sans clothing are out there, not as great as watching the actual scenes but the pics are still jaw dropping.

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