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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Chisato Morishita: Her tantalizing "MC" photobook....


 Still on that 'oldies phase' and to me there's nothing wrong with that as to me the woman from 15-20 years ago seemed to be overall much better women. Interesting is one major reason and that describes Chisato so well, more about that below. What I can't understand is why her posts done five years ago were deleted save for one, have no clue what happened. I used to like Chisato immensely, she could have been my first fave gravure model but she's done so many other things besides that. For instance being an actress and did have large roles in the first "Locker" movie along with being in the first "Suicide Manual" film that came out in 2003. So will have more posts for Chisato coming up as I do have most of her older books and pictorials and still can't understand why I deleted most of her older posts. Have noticed that most of these posts for my older faves draw just a so-so amount of views but have a feeling her posts should be fairly popular.

 Used the word Interesting to describe Chisato and do recommend checking out her Ja.wiki page. She retired from show biz about five years ago at the age of 38 and has become a politician representing Miyagi prefecture, she has an election coming up on October 27th. Sure Chisato's looks have helped her gain some male votes(!) and even at the age of 43 still looks super duper. Chisato is also a visiting professor at Tohoku Fukushi University so what an intelligent woman she is but also quite a fun gal as she is such a Kamen Rider fanatic and was in a series. More bio info in future posts and will wait until after October 27th for her next one in order to see how she fared in the latest election. This is one ultra super duper photobook that was released in April 2003 and contains 74 pics. At the time Chisato was 21 in age and turned 22 five months later, it was her fourth of seven photobooks. It seems back in the 2000's models and actresses released so many more books, they weren't as large as the ones these days but to me they may have been better.

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