Thursday, December 24, 2020

Nao Kanzaki: Top sixteen faves for 2020 by post average- part one, positions sixteen to nine


 Doing these two posts a few days early, was planning on having them Sunday but figured the stats for the year two days ago and no sense letting them get a bit stale. Don't think any positions would have changed in five days but it's kind of close 11th to 14th. Above is the link to last year's top seven, compiled the stats in 2019 for fourteen faves. Want to emphasize something about that list and when I refer to it in these two posts. That's of the averages being from last December and of course they've all risen. For instance someone whose average was 600 views per post may have seen that average increase to 650 as their posts keep getting views.

 The criteria is a simple one, a woman just needed six solo posts which isn't too difficult as it's just a post every other month. In all 32 qualified, 28 from Japan and four Korean actresses. There were eight gals who just missed qualifying for this and the faves list as they had four or five posts, some are extremely popular here. Such as Hinako above who the last two years has been way too too quiet. But she remains a fave of mine and you viewers as her posts averaged 1,174 views and she would have been in third place this year. Never mind that last year's leader had an average of just 1,105 views per post, most gals averages really rose this year. She had four posts as didn't Ayaka whose average was 802, that would have put her in the fifth spot had she been eligible. 

 Whew, easy to understand why those above two get so many views! Who doesn't get many are Korean actresses, four qualified as mentioned and one of these years want to see that number increase to ten. I'm usually happy when a post for them gets around 150 views, realize by now none of them will ever be popular but will always do posts for my bigger faves. Such as Suzy who has made the fave's list four years in a row and of course she came nowhere close to making this list. However her average was 254 views per post which does mean she's acquired a decent sized fan base here.

 That average put her #1 for Korean actresses but in a surprise just barely and bet if this list was done a month from now she'd drop to second. Who would surpass her is Han-Na who finished 11th on the faves list and who I think is the most attractive of anyone in the top twenty. Her average was 251 views per post so she barely missed the top spot. However didn't start posting about her until 2 1/2 months ago so she does have many fans here and really need to have a few more posts for her.

 Will admit I do make intros for these posts a bit on the long side but there's always some good info and stats. Of the 28 Japanese woman who qualified with six or more posts guess who had the lowest average for the second year in a row? Most would guess Hinako though quite a few may not as they never view her posts so don't know who she is! She was dead last again but on a bright side many more have perused her posts. Last year Hinako had an average of 251 for her posts, this year though it rose to 315 and that's about a 25% increase so least there was some good news in it. She was 28th, right above her in the 27th position was Minami with an average of 353. Her posts though aren't consistent, one will get 220 views while her next comes close to 500 so I don't know what to think.

 On to the list and in each of these two posts will have eight positions, list for the top eight is the next post. Will be going from sixteen to one to keep the suspense building but if you've read any recent posts then you saw who I predicted to be number one and was correct. Will have their position, some pics and info along with a link to one of their posts for 2020. 

#16.... Yui Kobayashi, she had an average of 562 for twelve posts and wasn't on last year's list.

 Surprised her 'Yui-chan' mate didn't make the list, she finished 19th. Glad to see Yui make the list as she's become such a fave of mine. She was tenth on this year's faves list and would have been much higher had Keya been busier, her posts are also the most consistent ones as only her PB post had over 600 views.

#15.... Yume Hayashi, averaged 569 views for seven posts and also wasn't on last year's list.

 Knew Yume would make the list but in all honesty thought her average would have been much higher, maybe her posts earlier in the year weren't as popular. It was very close between this and the above spot, just seven views which was the second closest of any position. Actually there wasn't a huge difference between 11nd and 16th, just sixty views per post.

 #14.... Miru Shiroma, her average was 584* views per post and last year was tenth.

 That average dropped as last year it was 610 views per post. That * is very important as I did leave a post out. That was for her March post that had her amazing "Love Rush" photobook scans. That post has drawn over 6.400 views which is a record for a year. When you add that post in the average rises to 1,404 which would have placed Miru first on the list. But that's not right as her true average is 584 views per post, most books are someone's most popular post but those others didn't skew an average like this one did save for #11, will discuss it then.

#13.... Minami Umezawa, 605 average for eight post and not on last year's list

 Don't post as much about Nogi these days but certain members are still immensely popular. Four were in the top sixteen and four in the top seven. This was the first year Minami had a decent amount of solo posts and with two of those three graduating she may be the only Nogi member to be on next year's faves list. She's really becoming much more popular as her first four posts of the year just had an average of 450 while her last four has been over 750, also had quite a few pics in group posts.

 #12.... Nashiko Momotsuki, her nine posts had an average of 610

 This was the first year Nashiko was eligible for the faves list, she finished ninth. So that means it was also the first time she qualified for this list as having six posts is a requirement for both. Of course there's always going to be a few surprises on the list, good and bad. Not that 12th should be considered 'bad' but did expect that average to be much higher.

 #11.... Minami Tanaka, her eleven posts averaged 622 and she was 11th last year too!

 Of all the stats I've done over the year this is the most unique one ever and what are the odds of something like this happening?! Last year she also finished eleventh on the popularity list, that's not too odd but her average last year was also 622! Of course that average is higher now but bet something like that will never happen again. Kind of pleased to see her average is still up there as I thought her fan base was dwindling. Minami did have a 12th post but like #14 didn't include that in the stats. It was for her "Sincerely Yours" photobook and that too really skewed the average. It's drawn 4,600 views so if you added that in her average zoomed up to 958(!) which doesn't give a true representation of what a regular post of hers averages.

 #10.... Riho Yoshioka, eight posts in 2020 which averaged 641

 Riho has always been popular here though that did wane in 2018/19 and mainly due to lack of posts. But fans haven't forgotten about her and most of her posts these days reach that top ten list for most views in a month, one of just a handful to make the yearly faves list four times.

 #9.... Nana Owada, 658 average for six posts and was second on the list last year

 Big drop from last year and she's someone who I've slightly forgotten about but do have a terrific new spread for her. What a quiet 2020 it was for Nana, she did have six posts but three were for 2019 pictorials so that just means three regular posts for the year, hopefully will have one very soon. That average really tumbled from last year as in 2019 it was 1,095 views per post and seems she's lost many fans which often happens here when a person has long stretches of inactivity.

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