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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Miru Shiroma: Her belated yet scorching 'Happy 23rd Birthday' post!


 Did make a mistake on a post yesterday which I deleted and thanks for the heads up from someone. Will redo it in two days with the correct info and not sure how I could screw something like that up? Perhaps it's because I've been doing too many posts this month, this is 22 days in a row with a post. That's not an all time record but is the longest stretch this year, often talk about taking a day off to clear my mind which is really needed so guess that day will end up being tomorrow. 

 This is Miru's sixth post of the year but only five are for 2020 happenings, the other post was for her 2019 photobook. Kind of torn whether to make her eligible for this year's faves list as six posts is a requirement. But did add in a new rule for Idols that they just need four solo posts as long as they have enough pics in group ones. There should be two NMB posts coming up and Miru's ones are quite huge so am about 90% certain she'll become eligible. It's also to atone for last year when she didn't make the top twenty and upon reflection she did deserve to be there, think it would have been around the 15th position. So she'll become the 23rd gal to qualify and do have an outside shot at about 28, if that number is reached will make the list consist of twenty, if not it may be the top sixteen.

 Surprised the total eligible may be that high considering what's happened this year. Above are two pics and the link to the post for Miru's 2019 photobook "Love Rush". It's closing in on 5,000 views and it'll be the most viewed post done in 2020. But perhaps not the most popular post for this year as there was one done last November that has more views which definitely amazes me. Though the title says 'belated' it really isn't, it's true her birthday took place on October 14th but did mention back then I was aware of it.

 Was waiting for a new mag spread that was scheduled to come out yesterday and do have it, of course it's one hotter than hot set of pics. Also have one other mini spread but that's it for gravure pics but have so many new fabulous new ones. Miru has grown on me so much this year, she's always been a huge fave of mine but even more so these days and doesn't need to do gravure pics to get my attention. Few b-day pics, top two are for this year while the others are some oldies.

 NMB did have a bit of a slump as far as their singles went from 2016-18 but the past two years I think they could be the top ones and I prefer their tunes over Nogi's. It's been a while since they've had an album, 2017 to be exact so hope that's something planned for next year. On November 18th NMB will be releasing their 24th single "Koi Nanka No Thank You!", I hope to have two group posts next month for it, one just before and one after.

 Miru held her first solo concert back in August which took place in Yokohama. Kind of disappointed that I haven't been able to find it anywhere but don't think I've looked hard enough so that's my new goal. It originally was going to take place back in April but had to be postponed because of the virus, do have a few pics at least from the concert.

 Whew, how about that bottom pic!? Few more pics though certainly not as exotic which are newish ones from her Instagram account. NMB also had a tenth anniversary concert last week which I want to view more than her solo one, both were streamed and can't find find that NMB one.... yet.

 Here's a fine looking set of pics as she was joined by two mates for a September 18th event in Osaka, that's where NMB hails from. They were appointed as special supporters of a new sightseeing campaign and also another campaign for eating out in Osaka. The event was held at the NMB Theater, there are some videos on YT but will skip them and have a solo one to end the post off with instead.

 Have another superb set of Miru pics and hasn't she grown into such a beautiful woman? These are from a October 16th interview with the Fanthology site and will have to say it's one of the best interviews I've read from an Idol as she talked about the current members, the tenth anniversary, auditioning and many other items. At the bottom of the site's page is also a short video and here's the link to the interview:  Fanthloogy interview

 Mini spread here from the November issue of Entame which to me look like outtake pics from her June set with the mag.

 In Miru's last post had such a terrific spread from the October issue of EX-Taishu. There's been some bonus pics that have come out for the photo shoot, don't think any of these were in that post and if so very few of them. To me so often these outtake pics are better than the spread.

 That spread I had been waiting for certainly wasn't a disappointment as Miru really sparkles in the November 3rd edition of Manga Action.

 We've reached the end and she should have some things in the upcoming group posts. Will end off with some sweltering Miru pics and she really has an excellent chance on becoming my all time hottest woman, may currently place her third on the list. After the pics check out Miru's most popular gravure video which is from 2017 and has over 1.1 million views.

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