Sunday, March 6, 2022

Nao Kanzaki: The top sixteen most popular women since January 2019 part two, positions eight to one


 That's Yuika above and if she could have had more posts she'd be number one I bet. Viewers here are huge fans of her and you can include me in that group, she could be my #1 of all time if not for the lack of posts. So this is of course part two of the countdown on who you viewer's fave women have been over the last three years. Always noticed on these lists how part one always draws more views, if you're reading this it's not the case but if you read the first post wouldn't you be curious on who the top eight would be? One person who it definitely never will be is Marie who is probably my number one of all time. She's had 71 posts in the last three years and that number will never be topped. But of the 25 who had eighteen or more posts the last three years her average was 22nd! Least her average was much higher than I thought, it was 560 views per post and was expecting a hundred less than that.

 There's two other massive faves of mine who also aren't too popular but at one time both were. First off is Rika who finished 20th in average, know one huge reason for her drop in popularity is because she doesn't do gravure pics these days and hope she's reading this post! The other gal who has really faded over the years is Nanase, as mentioned in the first post when a member graduates from Nogi their posts aren't nearly as popular and it still baffles me. She was 21st in average and will admit her posts aren't as interesting as they once were, she's had the second highest amount of posts over the last three years with 46. Kind of funny in a way how these three gals here will probably finish in my all time top five when that list is done yet viewer's top five is much different than mine.

 Will have another list coming up in either April or May. That'll be my second 'Top photobooks of all time' and did the first one back in December 2020. That list had ten on it but will expand this one to sixteen and that first list was the most popular Nao List post that's ever been done. On to the top eight women who are most popular with you viewers and my prediction for the top two spots was correct. Had a feeling who most of the others would be but not their positions, number seven was actually a nice surprise. Same format as part one as the countdown will go from eight to one, will have their averages, number of posts, some pics and a link to one of their posts. 

#8....  Risa Watanabe, her 43 posts since January 2019 had an average of 1,198 views.

 While some faves of you viewers are consistent as far as how many views posts get that's not the case for Risa who can have a post get 2,000 views and then the next 500! She was the most popular gal here for 2019 then dropped to 17th in 2021 and then last year was in the seventh position. What a quiet stretch it's been for Risa so haven't had a chance to comment about her impending graduation and won't do so today. But she's only had one regular post in six months and that's after having 41 in a thirty month stretch! Was really hoping that Risa would go out with a bang but seems it's more like a whimper and sadly we won't be seeing a second photobook as a farewell gift from her. But Risa will be at the March 21st 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show so she should have a post a day or two after that, I've missed doing posts for her more than anyone else. 

 #7.... Mio Imada, had an average of 1,228 for her 38 posts.

 Here's another nice surprise and she had a post a few days ago for her 25th birthday. That 38 posts was much higher than I thought and what a fave Mio has been of mine since 2018. Her regular posts get just a so-so amount of views but the ones for her photobooks are always very popular, bit of a shame then that's she's now 'retired' from doing gravure spreads and such.

 #6.... Mizuki Yamashita, her eighteen posts had an average of 1,288.

 Knew she'd make this list but didn't expect such a high position. Mizuki's first solo post wasn't until January 2020 so that's a high total for two years, at first her posts drew quite a few views. But like most Nogi posts over the last year or so those views have really dropped while almost everyone else's posts have seen a large increase, not sure when I may do another Nogi post.

 #5.... Kyoko Saito, she had nineteen posts that had an average of 1,348.

 Here's another very inconsistent fave where one post may get 500 views then the next 2,000! Have no clue why that happens as most posts for Idols are almost the same. Kyoko has turned into such a massive fave of mine and always work at having posts for her so it's a mystery why she only had nineteen in a 37 month stretch, she will have another right at the end of March.

 #4.... Miru Shiroma, she had an average of 1,350 views for 21 posts.

 This was the closest battle for a position and bet if the stats were done a few days from now the above gal would be in fourth place. Sadly there probably won't be too many posts in the future for Miru who is close to being my hottest Idol of all time. She graduated from NMB in August and while she was a little busy at first she's none hardly anything in the last four months save for uploading videos to her YT channel but promise to work on a post for this huge fave of so many viewers..... and me!!!!

#3.... Kazusa Okuyama, her 31 posts had an average of 1,450.

 Knew she'd be in the top five but she ended up far behind the two above her. That's a high number of posts but it's been a slow stretch for Kazusa as of late as she's had only one regular post in five months. But there's been plenty of posts for digital photobooks but they usually contain outtake pics from older photo shoots. It's also an early Happy Birthday as she's be turning 28 in four days.

 #2.... Fumika Baba, had an average of 1,564 view for twenty posts.

 Shame I wasn't doing this series every year like I thought had been done so it's hard to tell if the averages are high or low. Knew Fumika would be in the top two but she was nowhere near being #1 which was kind of surprising. She's another fave of so many viewers who has been ultra quiet these last few months, think her last regular post was done in September. However she had five posts for older photobooks in the last two months of 2021 as they were re-released but I want to see some new things. She'll be turning 27 in June and wonder if we'll be seeing her do many more gravure spreads/books?

 #1.... Yuki Yoda, her 22 posts since January 2020 had an average of 1,904 views.

 There was no competition for the top spot which was slightly surprising as I expected the above gal to give her more of a battle. So that's a high average but in a way kind of deceiving. Don't know the stats but have a feeling Yuki's first sixteen posts may have had an average of about 2,200+ views, her last six have only had between 500-600 views. That's a huge drop and sure it has to do with no gravure pics but unless a Nogi member has a photobook coming out you rarely will see them dressed scantly. It's been exactly two years since her massive selling second PB was released, where's her third?!


  1. Not sure if these comments get read but thank you for running this site - it is literally my favorite site on the web! Your collections and taste are both amazing.

  2. Yes, I read all comments and respond to most of them, thanks for your compliments and hope you continue to visit here.
