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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Kyoko Saito: Her mesmerizing 12th post!!!!


 Whew, don't know if a post will start off with a hotter set of pics this year, whew!!!! This is just her first post of the year and thought by now she's have 3-4. That's because Kyoko released her first photobook at the end of January, usually an Idol is quite busy before promoting the book and appearing in many mags. That wasn't the case as actually she's been so much busier after the PB came out. For today have exactly ninety(!) new pics as that's how busy she's been the last month. Am able to hold back close to 25 other new pics so there should be another post in about two weeks.

 All four of these above pics are from the new PB and will end off with some truly dazzling ones which you're never seen here. Though just Kyoko's first post for 2021 she did have a pair in December, those count for a 'Nao Year' which runs from December 1st until November 30th so she's halfway to reaching the six required to become eligible for the yearly faves list. In 2020 Kyoko was in the 17th position and to me she has just as good of a chance at being #1 as anyone, perhaps she's the current front runner. 

 Let's get to those new pics and this Sunday there will be a special '46' drama titled "Borderless". There will be members from the trio of '46' groups and the special will feature four segments. Kyoko will be the star of one of them and really hope the show ends up being subbed.

 Many recent pics from the HIna group blog and can't believe how many pics they post. Top two are from Sunday's TGC show while the bottom two are from filming some videos for the Hidakaya Ramen restaurant chain. Kyoko is now their 'Shige Angel' spokesperson and has five videos already for them, will be ending off the post with a new video.

 Need to work on getting some newish Hina group cards. Don't know if they still put them out and the group really never had many when they did but they have so many other kinds of pics it may not matter. These are new promo ones for the 'Uni's on Air' app game.

 This is Kyoko's 12th post and it took a while for her to become popular here. Would say her first seven didn't draw nearly as many views as I expected but her last four have been her most popular to date. And why not as Kyoko is such a darling, she turned 23 last November and would say she's been in my top five for current fave Idols for about two years. The photobook came out on January 19th but no event could be held to promote it. But she did sign many copies of the book at some stores and also had a solo 'Showroom' to promote it, here's the link to the video: Showroom

 Kyoko has been a model for the ar magazine since June 2019. This small set is from their February issue and am holding back the March spread which is much larger.

 Kyoko has really become popular in Japan and often is the cover girl for the mag she appears in. She has that honor for this huge set from the March 16th issue of Flash. Top ten are the actual spread while the rest are from the photo shoot.

 Oooops, almost forgot this batch of pics. It's from a Model Press interview promoting the book and wish is was also for a new Hina single as it's been over a year since their last one.

 On February 28th the Spring/Summer 'Tokyo Girls Collectiopn' show was held. Most Hina members took two strolls on the catwalk, one of them was a solo strut. The other was to promote their DASADA clothing line which was also a drama, these are from that segment at the show.

 Thought she looked much better on her solo stroll which was on the Moment+ stage.

 Title of her first book is "Totte Oki no Koibito", photo shoot took place last September in the Tokyo area. Sales have been quite impressive to date as over 115,000 copies have ben sold in five weeks. Sales for books have been so down the last few months and this has been the best seller so far this year. Two days ago posted the pics from my top PB of 2020, think it's be tough to top this book for 2021. Have some amazing advance pics from the book to end off with and doesn't Kyoko look out of this world?! She does to me and in that next post will have more pics from the PB. Following this sultry set check out a new video for Hidakaya Ramen restaurants, here's the link to their YT page if you want to view all of her videos: Hidakaya videos  EDIT: Forget the video which has already been deleted....

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