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Thursday, June 20, 2019

NMB48: The utterly irreproachable 'Miru Shiroma post' #12(wow again!)....

 When I first saw the above pic was in total awe like so many of you viewers, for those who weren't in awe WHY NOT?! However, Miru has somehow topped herself and after so many hundreds of beyond perfect pics it certainly is hard to believe. From what I can tell this could be the photobook of the year decade century and before I go on with this post have to give a health warning for those with weak hearts, even for those with strong ones a warning may be needed as this pair of picshere could be....

perfect ones
whew, whew, whew, whew....

 WOW! Could stop now and this would still be the top post of the year. But the great pics don't stop there but do admit none will top those but then again how many in history have? Today is June 20th which one day after Miru's first PB "Love Rush" was released. For a change there's been some promoting for a '48' book so let's hope they finally have a good seller on their hands and why wouldn't this be a solid seller as Miru is a very popular Idol.
 Besides her looks though she's also a down to earth and funny gal, most wouldn't realize that by looking at her pics. Her last post was only five days ago so naturally that means there's not too many new activities but bet there's around fifty new pics for today. There is a Twitter account set up for Miru's photobook which has had some outtake pics from it, they're so fabulous why would they considered to be outtakes?

 That sixth one in the black dress is a mighty fine one, actually can't go wrong with any of them. Last post had a link to the Twitter page, have it again and it's right below the final pic. What's really worth viewing there are the short videos from the photo shoot though wish they were longer. Once again here are the three covers for the book.

 Yesterday Miru held an event for the photobook at the Fukuya bookstore in Shibuya. Lot of tough competition for books at the present time as a Nogi member released one today and a Keya gal has one coming out next week. Nogi photobooks tend to sell 5-10 times the amount AKB, SKE or NMB books do so let's hope the trend doesn't continue this time around.
 Seems it's a rarity when a '48' PB sells more than 20,000 copies, to me there's no reason why this shouldn't sell that amount in week one and will be disappointed in NMB fans if this doesn't sell 50,000 or more copies overall. Most Idols these days travel to Europe for their photo shoots but Miru picked the Gold Coast of Australia, probably because the weather was warmer as the pics were taken in February. Plenty of fine looking pics here from the event, no clue yet if there's a video but will search now and if so will have it at the bottom of the post.

 Just searched and sadly there wasn't one which is a bit surprising as I expected one of the bigger news sites to have one. The new issue of WPB has a massive NMB spread which has about five or so different sets. It's the first time in three months any member besides Miru has appeared in a spread, think there's a total of 52 pics in the mag.
 Will wait a few more days to see if there's any other pics from the members so expect that spread on Sunday and hope there's more than those pics. Final item for today is from that WPB mag which is dated for July 1st, will have this set again in the group post. Miru is the cover girl of the mag and you'll notice the two pics that were at the top of the post in this set but those above are better as they're sans words. This is a huge spread too at twenty pics and hope this isn't like '48' photobook sales as her posts never seem to make the top ten most viewed post list that's on the right hand side.

1 comment:

  1. Big thumbs up. Hope to see more from the photo book.
