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Friday, May 31, 2013

Emi Takei: Otemki Oneesan episode 7 screenshots and recap

 Two stories for the last episode, to be honest the crime case that needed to be solved and of course was by Haruko(Emi) wasn't enough of a mystery and it actually took away from the second story that was going on.

 The case revolved around a politician who was found dead in the bathroom of his mistress, it appeared as though he died from being electrocuted but the cause was actually a drowning. Haruko used her weather wisdom to deduce that because it had been lightning out the night before electricity had built up in the water and when he was going to the bathroom somehow the water had retained the electricity and he collapsed from the charge. However he wasn't dead but his wife had followed him and while he was still groggy had pushed his head into the toilet and drowned him. Haruko didn't figure out that it was the wife who had committed the murder, she actually confessed to it before the really investigated what could have happened, to be honest this was a boring case and could have been skipped, really didn't add much to the episode.

 At the end of episode 6 one of Haruko's co-workers on the morning news had been stalked by an ex-boyfriend who had just been hired by the station, the announcer Akane went to Haruko for help but for some strange reason Haruko declined to help her, never came out why. Haruko knew though that there was something very sinister about Akane's stalker but didn't tell anyone, shortly after all this Akane was kidnapped by the ex-boyfriend and he was planning a double suicide for them if she wouldn't marry him. Well of course she wouldn't but even though tied up she managed to escape and luckily for her Haruko had told her detective friend Aoki about the kidnap and both were there to save her, what really saved her was a lightning bolt hitting the tree the stalker was under leaving him quite hurt but he somehow managed to survive.

 All in all an okay episode, not as interesting nor suspenseful as some of the previous shows but it was still an enjoyable watch as every show has been to date in this series. Not sure if there's 3 or 4 episodes left, but one thing that needs to come out is a bit about Haruko's past, she has some deep mystery about her and think it'll eventually come out, seems as though her younger days were not pleasant ones. As we always do here's some screenshots of Emi from this episode, nay make it easier to follow as I don't like to give away every single thing that happened in a show.

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