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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tsubasa Honda: Vampire Heaven episode 4 screenshots and recap

 Still don't think there's ever been a drama to get to the point, through 4 episodes don't know what that point is yet, really the only storyline has been our two female vampires trying to fit into the human world.
 And fitting in is what they continued to do in this episode, Sakurako(Aya) has really fallen for the guitarist at the cafe she works at, Hayato. Komachi(Tsubasa) keeps trying to tell her it's a mistake to fall in love with humans as eventually her urges for their blood will be too hard to hold back. However that hasn't stopped Sakurako as she went on a mini date with Hayato at a amusement park and the two of them have really ended up getting so much closer to the dismay of Komachi who had followed them and kept failing at trying to break the two of them up. Helping her was the male they've been staying with, Kentaro, early in the episode he found out their secret of being vampires, hasn't really been incorporated into the story yet but him knowing can only help this series out. Said it was slow moving and it is as that's really all that happened this last show, true it's only a 24 minute show but things could move so much quicker, still enjoying this show and will finish it but do have to admit it really could be so much better, does have enough episodes left to change things around though, hopefully it'll happen, here's a bunch of screenshots from this last episode.

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