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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Emi Takei: Otenki Oneesan episode 5 screenshots and recap

 In a way this was also like episode 4 where the weather wasn't the main cause for a crime or mystery but Haruko's(Emi) vast knowledge of the weather once again was the main reason for solving the crime.
 Haruko's detective friend Aoki, they are growing much closer, went to a retirement party with his ex-classmates for his former teacher and they all got quite drunk at a bar, right after they split up to go their own ways. However the next morning Aoki heard some tragic news that his teacher had been killed, looked like he was run over by a car and the driver had turned himself in. But through the autopsy it was proven that he had been dead before he was struck by the car, the reason for his death had been from hypothermia even though it had been a warm night. Of course this is where Haruko comes in again, she stated that there had been some rare instances in the past where a person could die from freezing even when the temperature was quite warm but it needed to rain which didn't happen where the body was found. Haruko proved that it wasn't the weather that did it but as usual her just vast knowledge of so many things concluded that it was a devilish act, a murder from the get go with the teacher run over to throw everyone off the real reason for the death. Once again I won't give all the details into how Haruko solved the case but sure you can get most of the answers by the screenshots, won't give the full details as you should really watch this drama, through 5 episodes it really has been such an enjoyable view, hopefully these pics and mini recaps will sway you do want to watch it.

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