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Monday, May 27, 2013

Emi Takei: Otenki Oneesan episode 6 screenshots and recap

Haruka(Emi) is back with another murder case to solve, once again it's her expertise at meteorology which is how they solved it, not a real terrific episode like they all have been up to now but still a solid watch.
 While the weather didn't have much to do with the murder was done or how it was solved Haruka did use her knowledge of the weather to determine how the crime was done. A man was found stabbed to death in a river but for some strange reason the knife that was used was found upstream quite a bit yet the river doesn't flow that way, how did it get there then? It was determined that it wasn't thrown to that spot nor was the man killed where his body was found, a crime that only Haruka could solve and she did. Actually it was a very rare event that happened with a full moon, what happened was that the moon for a short spell had changed the river's currents so that it flowed in the opposite direction during the night of the murder, while not a 'weather crime' it could have only been solved by Haruka using her weather expertise. That was about it for the crime, was actually a bit of a boring one that happened but what's really going to make this drama a must watch again is what happened towards the end of the show, a storyline that hasn't been developed yet but is going to be a good one. One of the morning announcers on Haruka's news show has been stalked by an older man, she hasn't told anyone about him yet but right at the end of the show she was about to explain all about him to Haruka as this man was hired to be an assistant director on the news show, think he'll be working more with Haruka though yet he'll be around the announcer enough, this caused her to break down once she heard the news and the only person she seems to trust is Haruka. This minor plot had been slowly getting bigger with each episode and in finally looks as though it'll be the major story for at least the next episode, looks like Haruka now will be solving a case or protecting the announcer without the weather being part of the crime or how it was solved, looking forward to this. Should be back soon with a recap of that episode which is the 7th one, subs were a bit late for this episode which is why I didn't do a post on this until now, as usual check out many screenshots of Emi from the last show.

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